2020 年 9 月 30 日之前
有关在 2020 年 9 月 30 日当日或之后购买的机票,请点击此处 。
本文中, “我们”、“我们的”和“本公司”指的都是阿联酋阿提哈德航空公司(Etihad Airways)。 “您”、“您的”和“旅客”指的是凭机票乘坐飞机或即将乘坐飞机的任何人士(包括成人、儿童或婴儿),但机组人员除外。(另见“旅客”的定义)。 “约定的停留地”("AGREED STOPPING PLACES")指的是机票或我们的航班时刻表载明在您航线上的预计停留地,但出发地和目的地除外。 “航空公司代码”("AIRLINE DESIGNATOR CODE")指的是识别特定空运承运人的两、三个字符或字母。 “授权代理人”("AUTHORISED AGENT")指的是我们有效指定的为我们出售我们的航空运输服务的客运销售代理人(可以是另一个承运人)。 “行李”("BAGGAGE")指的是您随身携带的同运输有关的个人财产。除非另有规定,它包括托运和非托运的行李。 “行李票”("BAGGAGE CHECK")指的是同运输托运行李有关的机票部分。 “行李识别牌”("BAGGAGE IDENTIFICATION TAG")指的是专为识别托运行李而签发给您的一个文件。 “承运人”("CARRIER")指的是在您的机票或联程机票上通过航空公司代码所指示的其他航空公司。 “托运行李”("CHECKED BAGGAGE")指的是我们放在货舱中运输,并为此签发行李票或行李识别牌的行李。 “最迟办理登机手续的时间”(“CHECK-IN DEADLINE”)指的是我们为办理完登机手续并领到登机牌所规定的截止时限。 “合同条款”("CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT")指的是在机票或电子机票收据/行程表中包含或一同交付的,载明本“运输条款”字样并加以引述的陈述。 “联程机票”("CONJUNCTION TICKET")指的是由本公司或其授权代理人签发的,同其他机票共同构成单一承运合同的机票。 “公约”("CONVENTION")指的是以下可以适用的任何文件: -《统一国际航空 运输某些规则的公约》,1929年10月12日签署于华沙(下称《华沙公约》); -1955年9月28日在海牙修订的《华沙公约》; -以蒙特利尔第1号附加议定书(1975年)在海牙修订的《华沙公约》。 -以蒙特利尔第2号附加议定书(1975年)在海牙修订的《华沙公约》。 -以蒙特利尔第4号附加议定书(1975年)在海牙修订的《华沙公约》。 -《瓜达拉哈拉补充公约》(1961年); -1999年5月28日签署于蒙特利尔的《统一国际航空运输某些规则的公约》(下称《蒙特利尔公约》) “ 联票”"COUPON" 指的是有“乘机联”("Flight Coupon")或“旅客联”("Passenger Coupon")字样的、由本公司或其授权代理人作为机票之一部分签发的纸质文件。 "损害"("DAMAGE")指的是因发生在飞机上或者在旅客上、下飞机过程中的事件而造成的旅客死亡或身体伤害。 也指在空运期间或者在承运人负责保管行李期间造成的旅客行李丢失或者全部、部分损失或损坏。它还指因航空运输延误而对旅客或行李造成的损害。 "日"("DAYS")指的是公历日,包括一周七日;但对于通知,不含发出通知之日;为确定机票有效期,亦不含出票日或首个航班日。 "电子机票"("ELECTRONIC TICKET")指的是在我们订票数据库中记载本公司或其授权代理人为您预订签发电子机票收据/行程表的电子记录。 "电子机票收据/行程表"("e-TICKET RECEIPT/ITINERARY")指的是有该字样或 “旅客收据/行程表”("Passenger Receipt/Itinerary")或“行程表/收据”("Itinerary/Receipt")字样的,由本公司或其授权代理人有效签发并通过电子邮件、传真、递交、邮件或快递方式交付给您的收据。 "乘机联"("FLIGHT COUPON")指的是有该字样的,由本公司或其授权代理人作为机票之一部分有效签发,表明航空运输始发地和目的地的一份纸质文件,或者,是我们订票数据库中记载您预订特定航班的电子记录。 “不可抗力”(“FORCE MAJEURE”)指的是您无法控制的、非正常和不可预见的、即使给予合理注意其后果也无法避免的情形。 "旅客"("PASSENGER")指的是凭机票乘坐飞机或即将乘坐飞机的任何人士(包括成年人、儿童或婴儿),但机组人员除外。(另见“您”、“您的”和“您本身”的定义)。 "旅客联"(("PASSENGER COUPON")或"旅客收据"("PASSENGER RECEIPT")指的是有该字样的,由本公司或其授权代理人作为机票之一部分签发的一份文件。 “特别提款权”(“SPECIAL DRAWING RIGHTS”)指的是由国际货币基金组织(IMF)根据几种主要货币的价值定义的国际记账单位。 特别提款权的币值是浮动的并在每个银行交易日重新计算。 这些币值为大多数商业银行所知并在主要财经杂志上定期公布。 "中途停留"("STOPOVER")指的是在旅途中最初始发地和最终目的地之间 预期停留24小时以上的一个地方。 "运费表"("TARIFFS")指的是我们公布的票价、手续费及/或按规定需要向有关当局备案的有关运输条款。 "机票"("TICKET")指的是有“客票和行李票”("Passenger Ticket and Baggage Check")字样的,由本公司或其授权代理人签发的带有联票的纸质文件,或者电子机票。 "非托运行李"("UNCHECKED BAGGAGE")指的是您在飞机上随身携带的、没有办理托运的行李。
2.1 通则 除第2.2和2.4条另行规定外,本公司运输条款适用于机票“承运人”栏出现我们航空公司名称代码的或本公司负有法定运输义务的由本公司运营的全部航班或航段。 2.2 包机业务 对于根据包机协议进行运输的业务,本运输条款只适用于包机协议或机票通过引述等方式载明的那些条款。 2.3 代号共享 对有些服务我们可能同其他承运人达成了所谓的“代码共享”安排。这指的是即使您向我们预订并且持有航空公司代码表明我们为承运人的机票,飞机也有可能由另一家承运人运营。如果存在这种安排,则本运输条款适用于此情况,并且本公司将在您预订时(向本公司授权代理人预订的,本公司将努力保证授权代理人)告知您运营该飞机的承运人名称。在美国机场出现停机坪延误情况期间,实施承运航空公司的停机坪延误应急计划。 2.4 优先适用法 如本运输条款同本公司运费表或有关法律不一致,优先适用该运费表或有关法律。本运输条款的任何规定因违法而无效或我们的运费表优先适用的,其他条款仍然有效。 2.5 条款优先于规则适用 本运输条款另有规定的除外,本运输条款同任何其他规则不一致的,对具体问题的处理应优先适用本运输条款。本公司任何规则之一部分因此无效者,该规则的其他部分仍然适用。
3.1 通则 3.1.1 我们仅向 有效机票(这包括该航班的乘机联、在机票上记载的后续航班未用乘机联,及旅客联)的记名人和机票持有人提供运输,如果本公司或其授权代理人要求,您须提供适当的身份证明。如违反有关法律或我们运费表、条款、规则取得机票,或出示机票的人无法证明是机票记名人,本公司保留拒绝运输和收回机票的权利。 3.1.2 机票不可转让,但如果机票由第三方提供,属于符合1990年6月13日颁布的《套餐与短途旅行套餐第90/314/EEC号指令》的旅行套餐的一部分(由当地法律规定),但因不可抗力无法继续者,可获准转让预订机票给他人。 上述转让为有关法律所允许者,本公司或其授权代理人将依您的请求将您的票签发给另一个人,但须符合一切有关法律的规定。 对机票是否适用上述指令的套餐有疑问者,请向机票出售人咨询。 3.1.3 有些打折机票不能进行部分或全额退款。不知道机票是否可退者,请向机票出售人咨询。 您应当选择最适合您的票价。您可能还需要为不得不办理退票的情形办理保险。 3.1.4 完全未用的机票因为不可抗力而无法使用时,只要您及时通知我们并提供该不可抗力的证据,我们将向您提供不可退价款扣除合理手续费后的代币积分,可在未来乘坐本公司航班时使用。 您可以在该代币积分颁发后12个月内用其为自己或他人购机票。 3.1.5 机票是且始终是本公司财产。 3.1.6 不能持残损、破损、涂销 或由本公司或其授权代理以外者擅自涂改的机票乘机。对于电子机票,不能提供有效身份证明(如:有效护照,且必须附有同电子机票收据/行程表相符的序列号)的不能乘机。 3.1.7 凡持电子机票者,建议您携带电子机票收据/行程表到机场按要求向我们及/或机场移民和安检人员或其他有关当局出示。 3.1.8 根据“公约”,电子机票收据/行程表视同客票和行李票/运输文件。 3.1.9 因机票(或其部分)损失、破损、涂销或丢失或未出示包含旅客联和全部未使用乘机联的纸质机票而请求换票(或其部分)者,本公司可以为您出一张新票,但须提供当时可以确定的证据,证明机票手续合法且对有关航班有效,并且您需签署一份协议:因滥用机票对本公司或其他承运人造成的损失须予以必要的合理赔偿,但以机票原价为限。 上述损失如因为本公司过错造成,本公司不向您索赔。 我们对此服务收取手续费,但因本公司或其代理人的过错造成损失、损坏、涂销或丢失者除外。 3.1.10 不能提供前第3.1.9款要求的证据或没有签署该协议者,本公司可以要求您支付换票的全额票价,但以后发现原机票并向我们出示未使用机票者,或我们认为损失、损坏、涂销或丢失的机票在过期之前未用过者,则可以退款。 3.1.11 机票是贵重物品,您应当采取适当保护措施保证其不被丢失、盗窃、损坏或涂销。同样地,您应保管好电子机票收据/行程表,保证其不被丢失、盗窃、损坏或涂销。 3.2 有效期 3.2.1 除机票、本条款或有关运费表(有可能对机票有效性设定限制,具体限制信息见机票)另有规定外,机票的有效期为: 完全未使用的,自出票日起一年;或 自出票日起一年内旅行一次的,自第一次旅行日起一年 3.2.2 在您要求预订之时因我们无法予以确认而未在机票有效期内旅行时,该机票的有效期则依我们无法未予确认的期间顺延,您也可以要求按照第10条退票。 除此以外,我们对您遭受的任何损失或费用概不负责。 3.2.3 在启程后因为疾病未在机票有效期内旅行时,本公司可以延长有效期到您身体康复(根据本公司合理判断)可旅行之日,或此后自重新启程地有已付票价对应服务等级的座位的第一个航班日。 上述疾病须出具诊断书加以证明。 机票中的乘机联 涉及中途停留一个以上地方者,该机票有效期可自该证明日期延长但不超过三个月。在这种情况下,本公司同样也将延长与您同行直系亲属的机票的有效期。 3.2.4 旅客中途死亡者,随行旅客的机票可经我们修改,取消最短停留时间或延长有效期。在启程后旅客直系亲属死亡者,该旅客及其直系亲属或随行者机票的有效期可以修改。修改应在收到有效死亡证书或本公司认为合格的其他证据后作出,延长的期限不得超过自死亡之日起的四十五(45)天。 3.3 飞机联票顺序及使用
3.3.1 机票仅对机票指定的旅程有效,即自出发地经约定的停留地到最终目的地。 所付票价以我们运费表为准并用于机票指定的旅程。 它构成我们之间合同的必要组成部分。 如果没有按机票提供的顺序使用所有乘机联,机票将不被承认,并丧失其有效性。
如果您的机票在意大利购买(无论是从售票处、呼叫中心、授权旅行社还是通过我们的网站 www.etihad.com/it 购买),且不论因何种原因错过或未使用行程的第一段航班,但仍想使用该行程的后续航班(当后续航班的出发时间比未使用航班到达时间晚 12 小时以上时)或最初以同一费率预订的返程航班而不额外支付任何费用或调整票价,您必须在未使用航班出发后 24 小时内致电 +39 02 23331300 联系我们,要求我们保留剩余航班预订的有效性。如果下一段航班的出发时间离第一段航班不到 24 小时,您应该在下一段航班的出发时间前提前至少 2 小时联系我们。如果您通过以上方式将您的意愿告知我们,我们将对您的剩余行程重新出票,不会额外收取费用或调整票价。如果您没有遵循该原则,则所有的剩余航班预订将被取消,但如果您后来决定使用该机票搭乘航班,在有空余座位的前提下,我们将向您收取购买原始机票的票价与在重新出票时适用于修订行程的同等舱位最高票价之间的差额。最终将根据原始票价的票价计算规则,按照对您最为有利的方式进行计费。
3.3.2 如果您希望变更运输的任何部分(包括飞机联票的使用顺序),必须在受影响航班 起飞前尽早与本公司联系。 新航程的票价由我们计算,高于已付票价时,您可以选择接受新票价或维持原旅程。 因不可抗力变更运输任何部分者,必须尽早与本公司联系,我们将会在不增加运费的前提下,尽力将您运送到下一个中途停留地或最终目的地,但须向我们提供满意的不可抗力证据。
3.3.3 未经同意变更运输者,我们将根据实际旅行核定正确价格。 您必须支付已付票价同变更运输后我们计算所得总票价之间的差价。 如果新价格较低,我们将退回差价(扣除合理手续费后),但您未使用的乘机联没有任何价值。 3.3.4 有些类型的变更会导致票价变化,如变更起飞地(比如您没有飞第一个航段)或逆行时,导致价格增加。许多特殊票价只对机票指定的日期和航班有效,不准任何变更,或只能在向本公司或其授权代理人支付额外费用后方可变更。 3.3.5 机票中所包含每个飞机联票将按照预订的日期、航班和服务等级运输。当初出票时未指明预订者,以后可以根据本公司运费表和航班予以保留席位。 3.3.6 在最迟办理登机手续时间之前没有出现或在该最迟办理时间之前至少24小时未提前通知我们变更运输任何部分者,本公司可以取消您的返程或后续航班预订并收取合理的手续费。 但是,如您确实事先通知我们,本公司不会取消您后续的航班预订。 3.4 本公司名称和地址 本公司名称缩写可能会出现在本公司航空公司代码(EY)或机票中。本公司地址为:PO Box 35566, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates(阿拉伯联合酋长国,阿布扎比,35566邮箱)。
4.1 票价 票价只适用于自起始地机场经约定的停留地到最终目的地的机场,按照机票上指定日期和时间运输,但另有明确规定的除外。 票价不包括机场之间和机场同城市终端之间陆地运输服务或其他运输或服务。 机票所示具体日期和行程表的票价,按照支付票价之日的运费表计算。 变更行程或旅行日期时,可能影响支付的票价。没有支付票价者本公司保留拒绝运输的权利。 4.2 税金、费用及收费 4.2.1 政府、其他机构或机场运营商征收的适用税金、费用及收费,您应在启程前全额支付。在购买机票时,我们会告知您的票价中不含税金、费用及收费,其中大部分一般单独列在机票上。 对航空旅行机构征收的税金、费用及收费不属于本公司控制并且持续变化,可能在出票日后征收或增加。机票上的税金、费用及收费提高时,您有义务在启程前支付。 同样地,即使一项税金、费用及收费是在出票后新增的,您也有义务在启程前支付。 同样地,如果您在出票时支付的税金、费用或收费被取消以致不再适用,或此类费用有所调降以致应付金额减少,则您有权要求退还相应金额。在购买或得到机票时如本公司或其授权代理人未告知您有关税金、费用及收费或告知内容有出入,并不影响您启程前在机场支付相应金额的责任。不支付税金、费用及收费者,本公司保留拒绝运输的权利。 4.2.2 如果机票没有使用,则可以退还所提及的特定税费、费用和收费。您可以通过在线(免费)或我们的呼叫中心或销售办公室(需缴纳服务费用)申请退还此类费用。您可以访问 https://www.etihad.com/zh/before-you-fly/manage-my-booking,提交在线申请,确认您符合退款条件后,我们会在申请后的 30 天内为您退还此类费用。
4.3 特殊情形的附加费 4.3.1 特殊情形下,第三方可能在特殊情形下向我们征收一类或一定金额的收费(例如,非法干预民航引发的附加保险费或附加安保费)。 4.3.2 此外,本公司运营成本可能因超出我们控制的特殊情形而急剧上升(例如,燃油费飙升)。 4.3.3 在此情况下,您需要向本公司支付机票附加费,该费用均分配到您的运费上(即使出票日后征收)。 我们将尽早告知您有关票价附加费的详细情况。 在通过您的联系资料无法建立联系时,我们将在您办理登机手续时通知您有关的票价附加费。 您可以选择不支付票价附加费并按照第10.2条规定收到非自愿退票款,本公司的义务到此为止。 4.3.4 特殊情形附加费不再适用于您的运输,或金额减少时,可以就已收取的附加费要求退款。 有关如何退款的详细情况请询问本公司或其授权代理人。 4.3.5 未支付附加费者,我们保留拒绝运输的权利。 4.4 币种 货币票价、税金、费用、收费和特殊情形附加费可以出票地所在国的货币支付,在付款时或之前由本公司或其授权代理人指定的除外(例如,因本地货币不可兑换)。本公司可以自行决定接受其他货币的付款。
5.1 预订要求 5.1.1 本公司或其授权代理人将记录您的预订。 我们将根据要求提供书面的预订确认书。 5.1.2 某些票价有附带条件,其限制或排除您变更或撤销预订的权利。 5.1.3 因为健康或其他原因在上、下机或飞行期间需要帮助者(如第7.2和7.3条所列情形),在预订时就必须告知我们。 您将得到临时预订票,除非我们认为您已经收到第 7.3 条规定的工伤销假并符合该销假所附的全部条件。 如要飞往或飞离某个国家,当地法律可能并未要求您符合本5.1.3条的要求时,您应当向我们询问要求有何差异。 5.2 出票时限 在指定出票时限之前没有按照本公司或其授权代理人的通知支付票价时,我们可以取消您的预订。 5.3 个人资料 5.3.1 您清楚地认识到向本公司提供个人资料是为了:订票;购买、记录和签发机票和运输有关的所有附属文件;向您提供运输和辅助运输的所有服务;回复您的询问和请求;会计、记账和审计程序及其他管理目的;取得辅助服务;发展和提供服务;便利移民和入境程序;便利安全检查、程序和要求;预防和侦缉罪犯并向政府机关提供同您旅行有关的个人资料;客户关系问题;帮助我们以后同您联系业务;及市场营销。 为此,您授权我们保留并使用该资料并传输和/或分享给:我们本公司的办事处、本公司授权代理人、我们其他公司及/或品牌、承受我们权利和义务的任何人、提供有关服务的第三方公司、政府和政府机关、信用卡和其他支付卡公司、其他航空公司和其他承运人或上述服务的提供商。 5.3.2 我们还可能保留您的个人资料用于直接市场营销,但我们事先将征得您的同意。 5.3.3 敏感的个人资料,如:有关您的健康或残疾、宗教、犯罪记录等可能经过本公司处理。另外,本公司可能将您的资料发送到不能提供同样保护程度的国家。您清楚地认识到:您向我们提供敏感的个人资料,即明示同意我们为上款第5.3条所述目的处理并向第三方披露以及我们也可能将您的资料发送到不一定提供同样保护程度的国家。我们承诺按照当时现行有效的相关数据保护立法收集、处理、保存和传输您的资料。 5.3.4 本公司还可能监控及/或记录您同本公司的电话内容,以保证提供一贯的服务水平,预防/监测诈欺和用于培训目的。 5.3.5 我们可能要求您提供在紧急情况下第三方联系人的姓名和联系资料。 您负责保证第三方同意披露为此提供的信息。 5.3.6 如果您希望知道我们掌握有您的哪些个人资料及/或希望修改您的个人资料,请联系本公司当地办事处。 5.3.7 您同意,如传输或保留您提供的不准确资料,本公司及其授权代理人不因此承担任何责任。 5.4 座位 5.4 我们会努力满足您预订座位的要求。 但是,我们不能担保您能得到特定座位。我们保留随时分派或重新分派座位的权利(即使在登机后)。这可能出于合法原因,包括但不限于:操作、安全或安保等原因。 5.5 预订的再确认 5.5.1 后续航程或往返预订可能要求您在指定的时限之内对预定进行再确认。 本公司或其授权代理人将通知您何时需要再确认,及再确认的方法和地点。 没有按照要求再确认者,我们可以取消您的后续航程或往返预订,您一般没有权利要求退票,本公司另有明确规定的除外。 但是,如您通知我们还想旅行并且航班上有席位时,我们将恢复预订并提供运输。 航班上没有席位时我们将尽合理努力将您运送到下个或最终目的地,但这并非本公司的义务。 5.5.2 您应当检查旅程中涉及的其他承运人的再确认要求。有要求时,必须向机票上出现航空公司代码的承运人进行再确认。 如其他承运人因为您没有符合再确认要求等原因取消一个或多个预订,本公司对此概不负责,您要求继续旅行或退票的权利受该承运人运输条款的制约。 5.6 取消后续航程预订 如果未提前通知我们并错过航班者,本公司可以取消您往返或后续预订并收取合理的手续费。但是,如您在最迟办理登机手续时间或登机之前(办理完登机手续的)确实通知过我们,我们不会取消您的后续航班预订。
6.1 最迟办理登机手续时间因机场而异,您需要了解这些最迟办理登机手续时间并予以遵守。如不遵守最迟办理登机手续时间我们保留取消您预定的权利。本公司或其授权代理人将通知您首飞本公司航班时,最迟办理登机手续的时间(相关信息会在机票上指示说明)。在您旅程的后续阶段,您也应当了解最迟办理登机手续时间,本公司及其授权代理人可能未予奉告。本公司航班的最迟办理登机手续时间可在时刻表中找到,或向本公司或其授权代理人索取。 6.2 在办理登机手续时您必须在指定时间之前出现在登机口。 6.3 没有按时到达登机口者本公司可以取消预定的席位并卸下您的托运行李 6.4 我们对您因为不遵守本条规定发生的任何损失或费用概不负责。
7.1 拒绝运输的权利 7.1.1 本公司在书面通知您之后,将合理行使我们的酌定权,拒绝运送您或行李。在此情况下,我们不承担任何责任,但您可以要求退款。 7.1.2 在发生或我们合理认定发生以下任何情况之一时,我们还有权拒绝在任何航班上(即使您持有有效机票并取得登机牌)运送您或您的行李(没有提前通知的义务): 该行为出于遵守政府法律、命令或政策需要; 运送您及/或您的行李可能威胁或影响其他旅客的安全、健康或对其他旅客带来严重不适或干扰或显然干扰航空运输的有序行为; 健康或身体状况,包括酗酒或吸毒带来的损伤,对您本身、旅客、机组人员或飞行器或财产造成或显然造成危害或危险; 我们认为您的健康或身体状况,包括酗酒或吸毒带来的损伤,如果继续在您预订或同意乘坐的机舱内继续旅行,有可能对飞机上其他旅客构成严重的干扰或不适; 拒绝接受对您或行李的安全检查或虽然接受检查但您对安全问题没有提供令人满意的回答或您没有通过安全状况评估或分析或您擅自涂改或移除行李上的安全封签或登机牌上的安全贴纸; 没有付清有关票价、税金、费用、收费或附加费。 旅行文件显然不是有效或合法取得的或本公司认为您显然不符合必要的签证要求,您企图进入只许中转停留的国家,但无有效旅行文件(或不符合签证要求),飞行过程中或办理登机手续和登机期间您毁坏您的旅行文件或拒绝向机组人员交出旅行文件,或拒绝按照规定让我们复印您的旅行文件; 出示的机票是或似乎是非法取得的,并非从本公司或其授权代理人处购买,被挂失或伪造的,或您不能证明您是机票记名人; 没有遵守上述第3.3条有关飞机联票顺序和使用的规定,或所出示机票的签发或涂改并非本公司或其授权代理人所为,或机票破损、涂销或损毁; (无论登机前还是登机时)没有遵守或阻碍或妨碍安全或安保的指示或地勤人员或机组人员履行职责,或破坏或威胁破坏飞机、设备或其任何部分; 对本公司或其他承运人曾经有过上述行为或过错,我们有理由认为可能再犯者; 在办理登机手续期间或上下飞机或转机期间、或起飞前登机或转机或接受本公司服务时构成犯罪者; 在登机、转机前或期间或在起飞前登机时,对地面工作人员或机组人员使用威胁性的、辱骂、侮辱、骚扰或下流的语言或有威胁性的、辱骂、侮辱、骚扰或下流的行为 ; 不遵守本公司有关安全或安保及其他旅客舒适的要求。例如,蹲在座位上,存放非托运行李,吸烟,吸食毒品,使用电子设备,包括:移动电话、手提电脑、PDA、便携式收录机、便携式音响、CD、DVD和MP3播放器、电子游戏机或传输设备,或造成机上信号紊乱和干扰 已经制造或试图制造(或似乎已经制造)虚假投放炸弹的骗局、劫机威胁或其他安全威胁; 我们得到来自旅行目的地或经过地或中转地国家或计划中途停留国家的移民局或其他当局发出的消息(口头或书面),即使持有效旅行文件也不准其入境者; 没有或拒绝向本公司提供其所掌握的、政府当局依法要求我们提供的信息,或本公司认为所提供的信息看来是错误或误导的; 健康状况不佳不适合乘坐飞机者; 非法持有或本公司合理怀疑非法持有毒品者。 在决定第7.1.2.1至7.1.2.19条所指的任何事件能否发生时我们没有进行调查的义务。 7.2 特殊帮助 我们建议无人陪伴的儿童或行动不便的孕妇、病人或我们认为需要特殊帮助(比如轮椅)的人在订票时,同我们商量所需的特殊帮助并遵守有关程序。如果您的特殊帮助要求在接到我们同意运输的协议后发生不利变化时,必须立即通知我们并需要再次寻求本公司确认。 行动不便的旅客在订票时通知我们任何特殊要求并经我们确认接受的,随后不能因此身体残疾或特殊要求而被拒绝运输。 如要飞往或飞离某个国家,当地法律可能并未要求您符合本5.1.3条的要求时,您应当向我们询问要求有何差异。 7.3 适合乘机 7.3.1 在登机前旅客健康状况必须适合乘机。 身体检查并非强制的,有理由怀疑或应该合理知道您的状况可能因正常乘机而加重或若没有在飞行结束前得到专业医疗救助可能导致困难者除外。 在此情况下,您必须在乘机前征求医生的建议并在起飞前48小时前向我们提供由具有相应资格的医生出具的证明健康状况适合乘坐所有预订航班的医疗报告。 如果您要飞往或飞离特定国家,而当地法律并未要求遵守第7.3条的规定者,应当询问我们这些要求有何不同。 7.3.2 因为某种原因在乘机期间染病,可归因于本公司或其授权代理人或怀孕者除外,将向本公司支付因在飞机上治疗、地面运输、第三方提供治疗等发生的任何费用。
8.1 行李限重 您可以携带行李乘机,但要符合本公司的条款和限制,此些条款和限制可向本公司或其授权代理人索取。 8.2 逾重行李 需要为超过指定限重的行李支付运费。运费率可以向我们咨询。 8.3 不能作为行李的物品和易碎/易腐物 8.3.1 不得在行李中夹带: 有可能对飞机或机上人员或财产构成危险的物品,如:《国际民用航空组织(ICAO) 危险品安全航空运输技术性规则》和《国际航空运输协会 (IATA)危险品规则》以及我们规则(可以向我们索取)所规定的那些物品; 飞往或飞离国家的有关法律、法规或命令禁止运输的物品; 因为危险或不安全,或对运输的飞机而言,因为其重量、尺寸、形状或特性,或因为易碎或易腐烂等,我们有理由认为不适合运输的物品。不可接受物品的信息可以向我们索取。 8.3.2 非捕猎和运动用枪械(无论是真的、仿制的还是玩具)、粒丸枪、枪械组件和弹药禁止作为行李运输。捕猎和运动用枪械和弹药须经过我们允许才能作为托运行李运输。枪械必须和弹药分离,合上保险栓,包装适当。弹药按照第8.3.1.1条指定的国际民用航空组织和国际航空运输协会规定运输。 8.3.3 古玩枪械、刀剑等武器经过我们同意可以作为托运行李运输,但不得带入机舱。 8.3.4 行李中不得夹带钱、珠宝、贵重金属、计算机、个人电子设备、存储的数据、飞行或旅行中需要或一旦丢失或损坏不能快速更换的医药或医疗设备、房屋或汽车钥匙、可流转的票据、证券或其他贵重物品或文件、商业文件、护照和其他身份文件或样本。 8.3.5 不得在非托运行李中夹带真的、仿制的或是玩具武器(塑料或金属)、或任何看似武器或有可能被误认为武器的物体、工匠的工具、弹药、雷管、导火索、手雷、丁烷、丙烷、乙炔、氧气等气体和气罐、爆炸物或内含爆炸物的东西、弹弩、十字弓矢、渔叉和渔枪、电击枪等眩晕或窒息装备、弹道式能量武器、貌似武器的打火机、烟花、闪光鞭等烟火(包括舞会爆响装置、爆竹和玩具帽)、不安全火柴、冒烟筒盒、易燃液体燃料如:汽油、柴油、轻油、酒精、乙醇、气溶胶喷漆、松节油和油漆稀释剂、体积浓度超过70%的酒精饮料、可能泄露释放出腐蚀性或褪色物质水银、氯的湿性电池等酸碱物、使人残障的喷剂如:豆蔻粉、胡椒粉、催泪瓦斯、放射性物质如:医用或商用同位素、毒药、传染性或危害性生物材料如:感染的血液、细菌和病毒、能够自燃的材料、灭火器、 飞镖、家用刀具、剪刀、开瓶器、指甲锉、有刃刀、织针、切纸刀、运动器械、剃须刀(但安全剃须刀并附有刀架的除外)、保龄球、斯诺克或球杆、皮下注射针(医疗所需并且附有证明健康状况医疗证书的除外)、体育硬球或武术器械。8.3.6不得在非托运和托运的行李中夹带我们在“旅客和行李运输条款”、“机票条款”、规则或通知中指定的任何其他物品。 8.3.7在行李中夹带第8.3.1、8.3.2、8.3.3、8.3.4和8.3.5条所指的违禁品者,本公司对该物品造成的损失或损害概不负责。8.3.8 建议不要在托运行李中夹带易碎或易腐物品。 8.4 拒绝运输的权利 8.4.1 根据第8.3.2和8.3.3条,我们拒绝把第8.3条所述物品作为行李运输,无论我们是否以及何时被告知或发现存在该物品,一旦发现,就可以拒绝运输。 8.4.2 如果我们有理由认为物品的尺寸、形状、重量、外观、内容或特性或因为安全或操作的原因不适合运输,或为了其他旅客的舒适利益,本公司可以拒绝作为行李运输。不可接受物品的信息可以向我们索取。 8.4.3 除非我们有理由认为包装在正确安全的合适容器中,否则可以拒绝接受运输行李。不可接受包装和容器的信息可向我们索取。 8.5 搜查权 8.5.1 Fo因为安全原因我们可以征得您的同意对您进行搜查和扫描,对您的行李进行搜查、扫描或X射线扫描。如果您不在场,为确定持有或行李是否含有第8.3.1、8.3.4或8.3.5所述的物品或未按照第8.3.2或8.3.3条向我们出示枪械、弹药或武器的情况,我们可能对您的行李进行检查、扫描或X射线扫描。不愿意服从者,我们可以拒绝运送您和您的行李。搜查或扫描对您造成损害,或X射线搜查或扫描对您的行李造成损害的,本公司概不负责,但因本公司过错或过失造成者除外。 8.5.2 您必须同意政府官员、机场工作人员、警察或军官和有关承运人对您的行李进行安全检查。 8.5.3 您有责任了解和遵守其他国家安全机关规定旅客不在场的可以对托运行李进行无损开箱检查的要求。 8.6 托运行李 8.6.1 您在向我们交付想托运的行李后,我们将保管托运行李,并为每件托运行李签发一张行李识别牌。 8.6.2 托运行李上应有托运人的名字或其他个人身份资料(包括联系电话号码)。 8.6.3 托运行李尽可能同托运人在同一班机上运输,我们出于安全或操作的原因决定由另一航班运输者除外。托运行李由另一航班运输时,我们将它交付到您提供给我们的地点,但提货地的有关法律要求托运人报关时,或由另一 航班运输是与托运行李的尺寸、重量或特性有关,或您没有遵守本运输条款时除外。 8.6.4 没有登机或登机后起飞前又离开飞机或在转机地没有重新登机者,除非我们决定托运行李不在同一班机上运输,否则我们不会运输您的托运行李。 8.6.5 您必须保证您的托运行李足够结实能够承受正常和通常航空运输的颠簸而不会损坏(但正常磨损的除外)。 8.7非托运行李 8.7.1 我们可以指定机上携带的非托运行李的最大尺寸及/或重量。 任何情况下,您在飞机上携带的非托运行李须能够放到您前面座位下或机舱内的储物架中。如果行李无法以以上方式存放或超重,或有不安全因素者,必须按照第8.2和8.3条以托运行李运输。 8.7.2 不适合在货舱中运输(如:精致的乐器),并且不符合上述第8.7.1条要求者,在办理登机手续前已经充分通知 我们并得到我们同意时,将获准在机舱内运输。您可能需要为此服务额外支付一笔费用,但本公司没有义务准许您使用该服务。 8.8 托运行李的提取和交付 8.8.1 根据第8.6.3条,一旦托运行李到达目的地或中途停留地后,就需要提取。托运行李到达目的地或中途停留地后 没有及时提取行李者,本公司可能酌情收取仓储费。托运行李在可提货后三(3)个月内无人认领者,本公司可以 不予通知或不承担责任而处置此托运行李。 8.8.2 只有行李票和行李识别牌的持有人才有权要求交付托运行李。 我们没有责任检查行李票和行李识别牌持有人的身份或资格或是否有提货权。 8.8.3 认领托运行李的人不能提供行李票和行李识别牌时,只有在能够向我们证明他或她对行李的权利时我们才会交付行李。 8.9 动物 本公司保留自行决定拒绝运输动物的权利。 如果我们同意运输动物,将按照以下条款实行: 8.9.1 必须保证动物,如:狗、猫、鹰及其他宠物,包装适当并备有必要的食物和水(或放在符合有关法定要求的容器中)并随附有效的健康和检疫证明、入境许可、转运和出境许可及入境国或转机国规定的其他文件,否则不予运输。该运输以我们规定的附加条款为准,可以向我们索取。 8.9.2 作为行李接受的动物及其容器和食物,不应包括在免费的行李限重内,而是构成超重行李,为此您必须在我们同意运输动物之前支付运费。 8.9.3 伴随残疾旅客的导盲犬不计入正常免费行李限重免费运输,具体规定可以向我们索取。 8.9.4 不适用公约责任规则的运输,我们对同意运输的动物发生的损伤或损失、疾病或死亡概不负责。 8.9.5 出入境、健康和其他文件不齐全的动物,进入或通过任何国家、州或领域对我们收取罚款、费用或发生损失或责任时,携带动物的人必须予以赔偿。 试图携带动物乘机被拒绝者,对此作出的必要安排责任自负。 此外,因拒绝运输试图携带的动物而无法旅行者,本公司对此概不负责 8.10 机场安检人员移走的物品 对机场安检人员从行李中移走及/或扣押物品,我们概不负责。
9.1 时刻表 9.1.1 时刻表中显示的航班时间在公布日(或出票日)和实际旅行日之间可能有变动。 本公司不能向您担保并且它们也不构成我们之间的合同。 9.1.2 在我们接受您的订票之前,本公司或其授权代理人将告知您当时有效的预定航班时间, 相关信息将显示在您的机票上。 我们有可能需要在出票后变更预定的航班时间。 如您提供有联系资料,本公司或其授权代理人将尽力告知您所作的变更。 如对购买机票后作出预定航班时间的重大变动无法接受,且我们无法为您另行安排满意的航班时,您有权要求按照第10.2条退票。 9.2 取消、变更航线、延误等9 .2.1 我们将采取一切必要的合理措施以免延误运输您和您的行李。 为了上述措施和避免航班取消,特殊情形下我们可能安排另一承运人及/或班机,但本公司对此无义务。 9.2.2 如果我们取消拟由本公司营运的航班,以致无法合理地按照时刻表运营,无法在您的目的地或中途停留地停机,或致使您错过经确认的预订航班转机,我们应按照您的意见: 由我们最早的、有您原来预订等级座位的另一航班运输您和您的行李且不收取额外运费,必要时延长机票的有效期;或 在合理期间内变更航线。由本公司或另一承运人,或通过相互约定的运输方式和种类,运输您和您的行李到达机票所示的目的地且不收取额外费用。航线变更后票价、收费和特殊情形附加费低于已付价款时,本公司退还差价;或 按照第10.2条的规定退票。 9.2.3 发生第9.2.2条所述情况时,公约或其他有关法律、法规或规则另有规定者除外,第9.2.2.1到9.2.2.3条的选择权是您唯一能获得的弥补,此外本公司没有任何责任。 9.2.4 拟由欧盟境内的一个机场起飞的航班被取消或延误超过四(4)小时或在非自愿基础上降低航班舱位时,您可以主张某些权利,我们到时会告知您这些权利。 9.3 登机被拒的补偿 9.3.1 如本公司不能提供经确认的预订等级的座位,并且您没有超过最迟办理登机手续时间和登机时间时,我们根据有关法律和本公司的登机被拒补偿政策进行补偿。请向我们索取登机被拒补偿政策。 除此之外,我们对您的任何损失或费用概不负责 9.3.2 因为适用本运输条款或其他合理原因无法登机、非面向公众减免票价的情况除外,被拒无法在欧盟的机场登上我们的航班,若持经确认的预订机票、符合有关最迟办理登机手续时间,您可以主张权利,我们到时会告知您这些权利。
10.1 通则 我们按照有关票价规则或运费表办理全部或部分退票,具体规定如下: 10.1.1 本条另有规定的除外,我们有权凭出示的付款证据,向机票记名人或机票付款人退票。 10.1.2 如机票付款人同机票记名人不同,并且机票上有退票限制规定时,我们仅向机票付款人或凭该人的指示退票。1 10.1.3 机票丢失的除外,退票时必须向我们交出机票和全部未使用的飞机联票。 该要求不适用电子机票。 10.2 非自愿退票 10.2.1 如因本公司: (i)取消航班; (ii)无法合理地根据时刻表营运航班; (iii) 使未超过最迟办理登机手续时间和登机最迟时间、持有经确认预订机票者无法登机,但因为本运输条款允许的原因拒绝运输的除外;(iv)无法在您的目的地或中途停留地停机;或(v)或造成有充裕停留时间转机却无法搭乘经确认的预订航班转机而构成退票者,有关法律另有规定的除外,退票金额为: 如机票完全未使用,等于已付票价(包括税金、费用、收费和特别附加费); 如机票部分使用,不低于已付票价(包括已付税金、费用、收费和特别附加费)同我们计算的使用部分票价(包括税金、费用、收费和特别附加费)之间的差价。 10.3 自愿退票 10.3.1 以非第10.2条规定之原因主张退票者,退票金额为: 如机票完全未使用,等于已付票价(包括税金、费用、收费和特别附加费)扣除合理的服务费或退票费; 如机票部分使用,等于已付票价(包括税金、费用、收费和特别附加费)同我们计算的使用部分票价(包括税金、费用、收费和特别附加费)之间的差价,扣除任何合理的服务费或退票费。 10.4 拒绝退票的权利 10.4.1 我们可以拒绝在机票过期后提出的退票。 10.4.2 已经向我们或政府官员出示机票证明欲离开该国者,我们可以拒绝退票,除非能向我们证明在该国停留得到允许或将由另一承运人运输或以其他运输方式离开该国。 10.4.3 因为机上行为而被拒载或被赶下飞机者不予退票。 10.5 货币 我们保留按照机票的支付货币和方式退票的权利。 10.6 排除其他权利 本运输条款另有明确规定的除外,由于任何原因未接受运输者仅可以向本公司主张第10条中规定的退票权利,对其他任何损失或费用本公司概不负责。
11.1 通则 机上旅客任何时候不得有以下行为:有可能危害或威胁(无论是虚假威胁还是其他)飞机或机上人身或财产安全,阻碍、妨碍或干扰机组人员履行职责;不遵守或违反机组人员的指令或指示(无论口头还是通知),包括但不限于:吸烟、饮酒或吸食毒品、妨碍安全或使用电子设备,或行为方式导致或可能导致其他旅客、机组人员的不适、紧张、不便,或造成人员或财产的损害或伤害。我们有理由认为机上旅客有上述行为时,可以采取必要的措施防止该行为的继续发生,包括采取人身限制。我们可在任何地点令其下飞机和拒绝继续运载,对此本公司不承担任何责任,机上构成犯罪者可被提起公诉。 11.2 绕航和其他费用的支付 因旅客有第11.1条所述行为,我们决定行使合理的酌情权,为卸载该旅客及/或行李而绕航者,该旅客必须支付因绕航引起的全部费用,还必须赔偿我们卸载延误引起的任何费用。 该旅客还必须赔偿我们因以下行为发生的任何费用:(i)修理或更换被该旅客丢失、破坏或毁坏的任何财产;及(ii)赔偿受该旅客上述行为影响的任何旅客或机组人员。 11.3 电子设备 因为安全原因,本公司可以禁止或限制在飞机上使用电子设备,包括但不限于:移动电话、手提电脑、便携式收录机、便携式收音机、CD播放器、电子游戏机或传输设备(包括无线遥控玩具和步话机)。允许使用助听器和心脏起搏器。
12.1 如果我们为您安排由第三方提供非航空运输服务,或我们签发票证由有关第三方提供陆路运输、旅馆预订或汽车租赁等运输或服务(非航空运输),此些行为只是代理您为之。 适用关于第三方服务提供者的条款。 12.2 如我们还向您提供陆路运输,其他条款可适用该陆路运输。您可向我们提出查看此条款。 本公司对根据第12.1条为您安排的任何陆路运输或其他服务概不负责,但完全是因为本公司的过失造成的除外。
13.1 通则 13.1.1 旅客负责取得和持有全部规定的旅行文件和签证并遵守往返和途径国家的有关法律、法规、命令、强令和旅行要求。 13.1.2 未能取得该旅行文件或签证或未能遵守上述法律、法规、命令、强令、要求、规则或指示而对该旅客造成的任何后果,本公司概不负责。 13.2 旅行文件 旅行前,您必须出示有关国家法律、法规、命令、强令等规定的全部出境、入境、健康和其他文件并允许我们取得和保管其副本。我们保留在运输中随时要求您出示上述文件的权利,不按上述要求出示,或出示的旅行文件不符合要求者,在没有明确证据表明符合第13.2条规定之前即使已经开始或完成部分旅程,我们也可以拒绝运载您和您的行李。 13.3 拒绝入境 如果旅客在某国(包括途径的中转地所在国)被拒绝入境,旅客负责支付罚款或收费,赔偿有关政府对我们核定的罚款或收费,及赔偿我们将旅客(和陪护者,如有需要的话)运离该国的费用。对拒绝入境地点前的航程收取的票价不予退还。 13.4 旅客承担罚款、拘留罚金等 如要求我们支付任何罚款、拘留罚金、遣送费、陪护费、为旅客出票的费用或因旅客不遵守旅行地国家的法律、法规、命令、强令或其他旅行规定或因为在入境时没有按要求出示文件发生的其他费用,一经要求旅客即应全额赔偿我们支付的款项或发生的费用。旅客可以用未使用机票部分的价值或被我们占有的任何资金折抵上述款项或费用 13.5 海关检查 如有要求,海关或其他政府官员检查行李时旅客应在场。检查过程中或因未遵守该规定遭受的损失或损害我们概不负责。 13.6 安检 您应接受政府、机场工作人员、承运人搬运代理人、警察、军官或我们的安全检查、搜查和扫描。 13.7 没收的旅行文件 本公司无责任返还旅客被其他承运人或任何政府或其他当局没收的旅行文件。
15.1 旅客伤亡 15.1.1根据第15.1.2、15.1.3、15.1.5、15.1.6和15.5条规定,本公司对于经证实旅客因意外事故死亡或身体伤害的损害赔偿责任没有财务限制,无论是法律、该公约、其他公约还是合同规定。 15.1.2对于不超过100,000特别提款权(SDR)(或等额本币)的损害,不得以本公司及其授权代理人已经采取了避免危险的必要步骤或本公司及其代理人无法采取该步骤为理由排除或限制本公司的赔偿责任。 适用蒙特利尔公约者,如我们证实超过100,000特别提款权(或等额本币)的损害不是由于本公司或其雇工或代理人的过失或其他过错行为或疏忽大意造成,或完全是由于第三方的过失或其他过错行为或疏忽大意造成的,对此本公司概不负责。 15.1.3 即使有第15.1.1和15.1.2条规定,如我们证实损害完全或部分是由于受伤或死亡旅客(或主张赔偿的人士)的过失所造成,本公司的赔偿责任可以依据有关法律得到全部或部分免除。 15.1.4 如法律要求,我们同意按照以下条款为该旅客或其继承人预付赔偿金: 收款人为自然人 (即该词语通常意义上的人而非公司等法人); 旅客或收款人根据有关法律有权要求赔偿; 预付赔偿金仅为解经济紧迫之需; 预付赔偿金金额同因死亡、受伤或身体伤害引起的救济困难程度成比例,但死亡者,每人赔偿金不少于15,000特别提款权或等额本币; 预付赔偿金付款时间不迟于根据有关法律确知获赔权利人身份后的十五(15)日,但应向我们提交令人满意的确认证据。 损害完全或部分是由要求赔偿金的人士或有关旅客的过失造成者,则无权得到此预付赔偿; 如有证据证明赔偿金的收款人在任何时刻都不能符合第15.1.4.2条的要求或收款人或有关旅客全部或部分造成有关损害者,赔偿金的收款人有义务返还收到的全部预付赔偿金; 预付赔偿金将抵消我们日后根据有关法律应赔偿的部分; 第15.1.4.4有关最低死亡赔偿金的规定除外,根据本15.1.4款支付的预付赔偿金不超过我们可能支付收款人的最高损害赔偿金; 预付款并非承认或认可本公司应承担的责任; 付款人向我们提供确认可适用第15.1.4.7、、和15.1.4.10款的署名收据并签署我们起草的解除债务和弥偿文件后才能付款;及 同有关法律抵触的除外,根据第15.1.4.4规定的最低死亡赔偿金,我们对赔偿金的决定是最终的和有约束力的。 15.1.5 我们对归因于旅客身体或一般健康状况或该状况加剧恶化的疾病、受伤或致残包括死亡不承担责任。 15.1.6 请注意,大量医学研究表明:旅行中长时间坐卧不动同腿部血栓(DVT)形成有联系。虽然不常发生,但遗传和生活方式因素可能增大其发生的概率。如果对此有疑问,请在旅行前询问医生。 15.2 行李 15.2.1 我们对非托运行李的损坏不承担责任,但是由于本公司过失造成并且旅客或主张赔偿者提供证据证明者除外。 15.2.2因行李内在缺陷、质量或瑕疵引起的行李损坏本公司不承担责任。 同样地,本公司对因正常和通常航空运输颠簸引起的行李正常磨损不承担责任。 15.2.3 本公司对第8.3条所述行李禁止夹带的物品的损坏不承担责任。对于托运行李,上述物品包括:易碎或易腐物、贵重物品(如:钱、珠宝、贵重金属)、计算机、个人电子设备、存储的数据、飞行中可能需要的任何医药或医疗设备、丢失或损坏后无法快速更换的物品、房屋或汽车钥匙、贵重文件(如:商业文件、护照或其他身份文件、可流转票据、证券契据)或样本。 15.2.4 本公司对行李损坏赔偿的责任限于第15.2.4.1至15.2.4.5条所述最高金额,但旅客证明损坏是本公司故意或疏忽大意的行为或过失导致的除外。 旅客可能想作出价值(见第15.2.5条)特别声明或对超过责任的部分自己购买保险投保托运行李或非托运行李的重置费用。 运输适用华沙公约者,适用非托运行李损坏的最高金额为每位旅客332特别提款权(约等于400美元或等值本币); 运输适用华沙公约者,适用托运行李损坏的最高金额为每公斤17特别提款权(约等于20美元或等值本币)或我们依据第15.2.5条约定的更高金额; 运输适用华沙公约者,适用托运行李和非托运行李损坏的共同最高金额为每位旅客 1131 特别提款权(约等于1,800美元或等值本币)的最高金额或我们依据第15.2.5条约定的更高金额适用赔偿; 运输适用当地法律而非华沙公约或蒙特利尔公约者,非托运行李和托运行李损坏责任的最高金额按当地法律规定办理。运输既不适用华沙公约也不适用蒙特利尔公约,且当地有关法律没有规定责任限额者,非托运行李和托运行李损坏的最高限额分别按第15.2.4.1和15.2.4.2条的规定办理。 15.2.5 在旅客办理登机手续向我们交出托运行李时我们将按照旅客和本公司的约定增加托运行李损坏赔偿限额,但必须按照本公司计算标准支付附加费。 这称为“价值特别声明”。 想使用该选择权者请向我们询问有关收费的详细情况。 15.2.6 旅客托运行李的重量在行李票上无记载者,我们将推定其没有超过旅客预订运输等级的免费行李限重。 15.2.7 行李运输由连续航空公司完成并且适用华沙公约或蒙特利尔公约者,只有在(a)索赔人为旅客并且本公司是第一承运人或(b)索赔人为旅客并且本公司是最后承运人或(c)行李在本公司运输期间发生损坏时,旅客才有权向本公司索赔。 15.3 旅客运输延误 我们对因航空运输延误造成损害的责任以华沙公约和蒙特利尔公约为准。当上述公约都不适用时,本公司对延误没有责任,但本运输条款另有规定者除外。 15.4 行李索赔的受理 15.4.1 行李损坏赔偿主张必须附有明细表,列明每个受损物品的名称、制造商和使用年限,以及购买该物品或所有权的合格证据。 价格在50美元(或等额本币)以下的物品,使用年限超过5年并且索赔价值低于50美元(或等额本币)者无须提供购买证据。 15.4.2 旅客主张行李实际损坏索赔的,必须保存受损行李并允许我们对其进行检查以便我们可以评估损坏的性质、程度和可否修理。 15.4.3 如旅客要求主张某单个物品的重置成本作为行李损坏赔偿主张的一部分,则必须同我们协商,在该笔支出发生前须得到本公司书面同意,否则该笔支出不得计入任何应付赔偿金。 更换物品的总支出在50美元(或等额本币)以下的不适用本规定。 索赔必须附有购买更换物品的证据。 物品的支出在50美元(或等额本币)以下的无须提供购买证据。 15.4.4 凡就行李赔偿提出索赔者,必须向我们提供我们为评估索赔是否符合条件和赔偿金多少而要求提供的任何信息。 15.4.5 在我们支付赔偿金之前旅客必须签署行李损坏赔偿的索赔事实真实性声明和适当的免责和补偿文件。 15.4.6 旅客未遵守第15.4条相关规定的可能对其能否主张赔偿和赔偿金额产生不利影响。 15.5 通则 15.5.1 如我们出票或托运行李而由另一承运人运输时,本公司仅作为其他承运人的代理人为之。 然而,旅客可以就托运行李向第一或最后承运人提出索赔。 15.5.2 我们符合或旅客不符合有关法律、政府规章和规定引起的损害,我们概不负责。 15.5.3 除本运输条款或有关法律另有规定外,本公司仅对经证实的损失承担可追偿的补偿性赔偿责任。 15.5.4 运输合同,包括本运输条款及责任免除和限制,同样适用于本公司授权代理人、雇工、雇员、和代表。 向本公司及其授权代理人、雇员、代表和人士追偿的总金额,不得超过本公司本身责任的总额(如果有)。 15.5.5 本运输条款没有作出放弃或免除或限制本公司责任和该公约或有关法律赋予本公司的抗辩,但另有规定的除外。 15.5.6 本运输条款没有作出放弃或免除或限制我们的责任和该公约或有关法律赋予我们就旅客死亡、受伤或其他身体损害向任何公共社会保险机构或任何应承担赔偿责任或已支付赔偿金的人提出抗辩的权利。 15.5.7 本公司保留不定时修改本运输条款的权利,修改的运输条款自修改之日起生效 15.6 国际旅客责任限制的建议 旅程的最终目的地或停留地不在始发地所在国者,建议对整个旅程引用华沙公约或蒙特利尔公约,包括完全属于始发地或目的地所在国境内的任何区段。如蒙特利尔公约适用,航空公司应对经证实的死亡或人身损害给予赔偿,该公约规定的特定抗辩理由不适用超过113,000特别提款权或等额本币以下的损害赔偿。如蒙特利尔公约不适用,许多航空公司(包括 Etihad 合德在内,见第15.1.1条)的运输条款规定,死亡或身体损害赔偿金不适用华沙公约的财务限制以及,最高赔偿金不超过113,000特别提款权或等额本币的,已采取必要措施为证据的抗辩理由不适用。 如航空公司运输条款中未包含上述条款,请注意:(i)对于始发地、目的地或约定中途停留地是美国者,含华沙公约和特别运输合同规定的有关运费表规定:订立该特别合同的某些航空公司对经证实的旅客死亡或身体损害的责任多数情况限于每位旅客 75,000 美元以内,及此限额内的责任不以航空公司方存在过失为必要;及(ii)航空公司未订立该特别合同,或适用华沙公约,始发地、目的地或约定中途停留地非美国者,航空公司对旅客死亡或身体损害的责任多数情况限于不超过 10,000 美元或 20,000 美元;及(iii)某些国家规定比(i)和(ii)更高的限额。订立上述(i)所指类型特别合同的航空公司的名称或当事人的姓名,经请求可在该航空公司的售票处查阅。 一般情况下,可通过购买私营保险公司的保险获得额外保障。该保险不受华沙公约或蒙特利尔公约或上述(i)所指运输类型的特别合同对航空公司责任任何限制的影响。详细信息,请咨询航空公司或保险公司代表。注: 本15.6条上述(i)中所规定的75,000美元责任限额含诉讼费,但以诉讼费为标的单独起诉的责任限额为58,000美元,不含诉讼费。
16.1 索赔通知 接受行李的行李票持有人在交付时没有投诉即是行李以完好状态交付并符合运输合同的充分证据,除非有相反证据证明。 如旅客希望就托运行李的损坏投诉或起诉,必须在发现损坏后立即通知我们,至迟在收到托运行李的七(7)日内,行李丢失者,在行李应到达日的七(7)日内。 旅客希望就托运行李的延误投诉或起诉者,必须在托运行李交由旅客处置的二十一(21)日内通知我们。上述通知必须以书面作出。 16.2 诉讼时效 旅客在到达目的地之日或者飞机预计到达日或者运输停止日的二(2)年内没有提起诉讼者,丧失损害赔偿请求权。诉讼时效的计算方法根据受理法院地的法律确定。
旅客和行李的运输亦遵循适用于我们的或我们采用的某些其他规则和条款。这些因时而变的规则和条款很重要。它们涉及其他内容: (i) 无人陪伴未成年人、孕妇和病人旅客的运输; (ii) 对使用电子设备和产品的限制; (iii) 在机上饮用酒精饮料。 有关这些内容的规则可以向我们索取。
本运输条款的各条标题仅为方便阅读,并非对文本的释义。 本运输条款的真确本为英文;其他语言的译本仅供参考。
As you read these conditions, please note that: "WE", "OUR" "OURSELVES" and "US" means Etihad Airways. "YOU", "YOUR" and "YOURSELF” means any person (whether adult, child or infant), except members of the crew, carried or to be carried in an aircraft pursuant to a Ticket. (See also definition of "Passenger"). "AGREED STOPPING PLACES" means those places, except the place of departure and the place of destination, set out in the Ticket or shown in our timetables as scheduled stopping places on your route. "AIRLINE DESIGNATOR CODE" means the two or three characters or letters which identify particular air carriers. "AUTHORISED AGENT" means a passenger sales agent (which can include another carrier) who has been validly appointed by us to represent us in the sale of carriage by air on our services. "BAGGAGE" means your personal property accompanying you in connection with your carriage. Unless otherwise specified, it consists of both your Checked and Unchecked Baggage. "BAGGAGE CHECK" means those portions of the Ticket which relate to the carriage of your Checked Baggage. "BAGGAGE IDENTIFICATION TAG" means a document issued to you solely for identification of your Checked Baggage. "CARRIER" means an air carrier other than ourselves, whose airline designator code appears on your Ticket or on a Conjunction Ticket. "CHECKED BAGGAGE" means Baggage of which we take custody for carriage in the aircraft hold, and for which we have issued a Baggage Check or Baggage Identification Tag. “CHECK-IN DEADLINE” means the time limit specified by us by which you must have completed check-in formalities and received your boarding pass. "CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT" means those statements contained in or delivered with your Ticket or e-Ticket Receipt/Itinerary, identified as such and which incorporate, by reference, these Conditions of Carriage. "CONJUNCTION TICKET" means a Ticket issued to you by us or our Authorised Agent in conjunction with another Ticket which together constitute a single contract of carriage. "CONVENTION" means whichever of the following instruments is or are applicable: - the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air, signed at Warsaw, 12 October 1929 (hereinafter referred to as the Warsaw Convention); - the Warsaw Convention as amended at The Hague on 28 September 1955; - the Warsaw Convention as amended by Additional Protocol No. 1 of Montreal (1975): - the Warsaw Convention as amended at The Hague and by Additional Protocol No. 2 of Montreal (1975); - the Warsaw Convention as amended at The Hague and by Additional Protocol No. 4 of Montreal (1975); - the Guadalajara Supplementary Convention (1961); - the Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air, signed at Montreal, 28 May 1999 (referred to as the Montreal Convention) "COUPON" means a paper document marked "Flight Coupon" or "Passenger Coupon" issued by us or our Authorized Agent as part of your Ticket. "DAMAGE" means death, or bodily injury to a Passenger, caused by an accident on board an aircraft or in the course of any of the operations of embarking or disembarking. It also means damage sustained in the event of the destruction or the total or partial loss of or damage to Baggage which occurs during carriage by air or during any period within which the baggage is the charge of the carrier. Additionally, it means damage occasioned by delay in the carriage by air of Passengers or Baggage. "DAYS" mean calendar days, including all seven days of the week; provided that, for the purpose of notification, the day upon which notice is dispatched shall not be counted; and provided further that for purposes of determining duration of validity of a Ticket, the day upon which the Ticket is issued, or the first flight commenced shall not be counted. "ELECTRONIC TICKET" means the electronic entries within our reservations database recording the carriage you have booked for which we or our Authorized Agent have issued an e-Ticket Receipt/Itinerary. "e-TICKET RECEIPT/ITINERARY" means a receipt marked as such or marked "Passenger Receipt/Itinerary" or "Itinerary/Receipt" validly issued by us or our Authorized Agent and delivered to you by email, by fax, by hand, by mail, or by courier. "FLIGHT COUPON" means a paper document, marked as such, validly issued by our Authorized Agent as part of your Ticket showing the places of departure and destination between which you are entitled to be carried or, alternatively, an electronic entry within our reservations database recording your booking for carriage on a particular flight. “FORCE MAJEURE” means unusual and unforeseeable circumstances beyond your control, the consequences of which could not have been avoided even if reasonable care had been exercised. "PASSENGER" means any person (whether adult, child or infant), except members of the crew, carried or to be carried in an aircraft pursuant to a Ticket. (See also definition of "you", "your" and "yourself”). "PASSENGER COUPON" or "PASSENGER RECEIPT" mean a document marked as such issued by us or our Authorized Agent as part of your Ticket. “SPECIAL DRAWING RIGHTS” means the international unit of account, defined by the International Monetary Fund, based upon the values of several leading currencies. The currency values of the Special Drawing Right fluctuate and are re-calculated each banking day. These values are known to most commercial bankers and are reported regularly in leading financial journals. "STOPOVER" means a scheduled stop on your journey for 24 hours or more at a point between the first place of departure and the last place of destination. "TARIFFS" means our published fares, charges and/or related conditions of carriage filed, where required, with the appropriate authorities. "TICKET" means either a paper document marked "Passenger Ticket and Baggage Check" issued by us or our Authorised Agent with all accompanying Coupons or, alternatively, an Electronic Ticket. "UNCHECKED BAGGAGE" means your Baggage other than Checked Baggage carried by you onboard the aircraft.
2.1 GENERAL Except as otherwise provided in Articles 2.2 and 2.4, our Conditions of Carriage apply to all flights or flight segments operated by us where our Airline Designator Code appears in the "Carrier" box of your Ticket or in respect of which we have a legal liability to you. 2.2 CHARTER OPERATIONS If carriage is performed pursuant to a charter agreement, these Conditions of Carriage apply only to the extent they are incorporated, by reference or otherwise, in the charter agreement or the Ticket. 2.3 CODE SHARES On some services we may have arrangements with other carriers known as "Code Shares". This means that even if you have a reservation with us and hold a ticket where our name or airline designator code is indicated as the carrier, another carrier may operate the aircraft. If such arrangements exist, their Conditions of Contract will apply and we will advise you of the name of the carrier operating the aircraft at the time you make a reservation (or if you make your reservation with our Authorised Agent, we will endeavour to ensure that the Authorised Agent gives you that information). In the event of a tarmac delay at a U.S. airport, the operating carrier's tarmac delay contingency plan governs. 2.4 OVERRIDING LAW These Conditions of Carriage are applicable unless they are inconsistent with our Tariffs or applicable law in which event such Tariffs or laws shall prevail. If any provision of these Conditions of Carriage is invalid under any applicable law or where our Tariffs prevail, the other provisions shall nevertheless remain valid. 2.5 CONDITIONS PREVAIL OVER REGULATIONS Except as provided in these Conditions of Carriage, in the event of inconsistency between these Conditions of Carriage and any other regulations we may have, dealing with particular subjects, these Conditions of Carriage shall prevail. If part of one of our regulations becomes invalid in this way, the other parts of our regulations will still apply.
3.1 GENERAL PROVISIONS 3.1.1 We will provide carriage only to persons who possess, and are named in a valid Ticket (which includes the Flight Coupon for that flight, unused Flight Coupons for subsequent flights recorded in the Ticket, and the Passenger Coupon), provided that you produce appropriate identification, where required by us or our Authorized Agents or agents. We reserve the right to refuse carriage to, and to retain the ticket of any person who has acquired a ticket in violation of applicable law or our tariffs, conditions, rules or regulations, or to any person presenting a ticket without being able to prove that he or she is the person named as passenger in the ticket. 3.1.2 A Ticket is not transferable, save that if your Ticket has been provided to you by a third party as part of a package holiday to which European Council Directive 90/314 of 13 June 1990 on Package Travel and Package Tours (as specified in local law) applies, you may be permitted to transfer your booking to another person if you are prevented due to Force Majeure from proceeding with the package. Where such a transfer is permitted by applicable law, we or our Authorised Agent will, at your request, replace your Ticket by issuing a new Ticket to another person, but only if you have satisfied all applicable legal requirements. If you are in doubt whether your Ticket forms part of a package to which the above Directive applies, you should ask for advice from the person who sold you the Ticket. 3.1.3 Some Tickets are sold at discounted fares which may be partially or completely non-refundable. If you are in doubt whether your Ticket is non – refundable you should ask for advice from the person who sold you the Ticket. You should choose the fare best suited to your needs. You may also wish to ensure that you have appropriate insurance to cover instances where you have to cancel your Ticket. 3.1.4 If you have a Ticket which is completely unused, and you are prevented from traveling due to Force Majeure, provided that you promptly advise us and furnish evidence such Force Majeure, we will provide you with a credit of any non-refundable amount of the fare, for future travel on us, subject to deduction of a reasonable administration fee. That credit will be valid for use by you for purchase of a Ticket for yourself or another person within 12 months after the credit is issued. 3.1.5 The Ticket is and remains at all times our property. 3.1.6 You shall not be entitled to be carried if the paper Ticket or part of it presented is mutilated, damaged, defaced or if it has been altered otherwise than by us or an Authorised Agent. In the case of an Electronic Ticket, you shall not be entitled to be carried on a flight unless you provide positive identification (for example your valid passport, which must bear the serial number that matches the number specified in the e-Ticket Receipt/Itinerary). 3.1.7 Where you have an Electronic Ticket, it is advisable that you bring the e-Ticket Receipt/Itinerary with you to the airport as you may be asked to present this to us and/or to airport immigration and security personnel or other relevant authorities. 3.1.8 For the purposes of the Convention, an e-Ticket Receipt/Itinerary is deemed to serve as a passenger ticket and baggage check/document of carriage. 3.1.9 In case of loss, damage, defacing or mutilation of a Ticket (or part of it) by you or non-presentation of a paper Ticket containing the Passenger Coupon and all unused Flight Coupons, upon your request we may replace such Ticket (or part of it) by issuing a new Ticket, provided there is evidence, readily ascertainable at the time, that a Ticket valid for the flight(s) in question was duly issued and you sign an agreement to reimburse us for any costs and losses, up to the value of the original ticket, which are necessarily and reasonably incurred by us or another carrier for misuse of the Ticket. We will not claim reimbursement from you for any such losses which result from our own negligence. We shall charge a reasonable administration fee for this service, unless the loss, damage, defacing or mutilation was due to our negligence or that of our agent. 3.1.10 Where as provided in Paragraph 3.1.9 above satisfactory evidence is not available or you do not sign such an agreement, we may require you to pay up to the full Ticket price for a replacement Ticket, subject to refund if you later find the original Ticket and present that original to us unused or if and when we are satisfied that the lost, damaged, defaced or mutilated Ticket has not been used before the expiry of its validity. 3.1.11 A ticket is valuable so you should take appropriate measure to safeguard it and ensure that it is not lost, stolen, damaged or defaced. Similarly, e-ticket Receipt/Itinerary should be kept safely so that it is not lost, stolen, damaged or defaced. 3.2 PERIOD OF VALIDITY 3.2.1 Except as otherwise provided in the Ticket, in these Conditions, or in applicable Tariffs (which may limit the validity of a ticket, in which case the limitation will be shown on the Ticket), a Ticket is valid for: One year from the date of issue, if completely unused; or Subject to the first travel occurring within one year from the date of issue, one year from the date of first travel under the Ticket 3.2.2 When you are prevented from travelling within the period of validity of the Ticket because at the time you request reservations we are unable to confirm a reservation, the validity of such Ticket will be extended solely by the period during which such confirmation of reservation could not be given, or you may be entitled to a refund in accordance with Article 10. Apart from this, we will have no liability to you for any loss or expense whatsoever. 3.2.3 If after having commenced your carriage, you are prevented from travelling within the period of validity of the Ticket by reason of illness, we may extend the period of validity of your Ticket until the date when (in our reasonable opinion) you become fit to travel or until our first flight after such date from the point where the journey is resumed, on which space is available in the class of service for which the fare has been paid. Such illness must be attested to by a medical certificate. When the Flight Coupons remaining in the Ticket involve one or more Stopovers, the validity of such Ticket may be extended for not more than three months from the date shown on such certificate. In such circumstances, we will similarly extend the period of validity of Tickets of other members of your immediate family accompanying you on the carriage you were prevented from completing. 3.2.4 In the event of death of a Passenger en route, the Tickets of persons accompanying the Passenger may be modified by us either by waiving the minimum stay or extending the validity. In the event of a death in the immediate family of a Passenger who has commenced carriage, the validity of that Passenger's Ticket and those of his or her immediate family who are accompanying the Passenger may likewise be modified. Any such modification shall be made upon receipt of a valid death certificate or other evidence satisfactory to us and any such extension of validity shall not be for a period longer than forty-five (45) Days from the date of the death. 3.3 FLIGHT COUPON SEQUENCE AND USE 3.3.1 Your Ticket is valid only for the carriage shown on the Ticket, from the place of departure via any Agreed Stopping Places to the final place of destination. The fare you have paid is based upon our Tariffs and is for the carriage shown on the Ticket. It forms an essential part of our contract with you. The Ticket will not be honored and will lose its validity if all the Flight Coupons are not used in the sequence provided in the Ticket. 3.3.2 Should you wish to change any aspect of your carriage (including use of Flight Coupons out of sequence) you must contact us well in advance and before the day of departure of any affected flight. The fare for your new carriage will be calculated by us and, if higher than the fare paid, you will be given the option of accepting the new price or maintaining your original carriage as ticketed. Should you be required to change any aspect of your carriage due to Force Majeure, you must contact us as soon as practicable and we will use reasonable efforts to transport you to your next Stopover or final destination, without recalculation of the fare (but only if you have provided us with satisfactory evidence of the Force Majeure. 3.3.3 Should you change your carriage without our agreement, we will assess the correct price for your actual travel. You will have to pay any difference between the price you have paid and the total fare we calculate for your revised carriage. We will refund you the difference if the new price is lower (subject to deduction of a reasonable administration fee), but otherwise your unused Flight Coupons have no value. 3.3.4 While some types of changes will not result in a change of fare, others, such as changing the place of departure (for example, if you do not fly the first segment) or reversing the direction you travel, can result in an increase in price. Many special fares are valid only on the dates and for the flights shown on the Ticket and may not be changed at all, or may be changed only upon payment of an additional fee to us or our Authorised Agent. 3.3.5 Each Flight Coupon contained in your Ticket will be accepted for carriage in the class of service on the date and flight for which space has been reserved. When a Ticket is originally issued without a reservation being specified, space may be later reserved subject to our Tariff and the availability of space on the flight requested. 3.3.6 If you do not show up for any flight prior to the Check-In -Deadline or you change any part of your carriage without advising us at least 24 hours earlier in advance of that Deadline, we may cancel your return or onward reservations and charge reasonable administrative fee. However, if you do advise us in advance, we will not cancel your subsequent flight reservations. 3.4 OUR NAME AND ADDRESS Our name may be abbreviated to our Airline Designator Code (which is EY), or otherwise, in the Ticket. Our address is P O Box 35566, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
4.1 FARES Fares apply only for carriage from the airport at the point of origin to the airport at the last point of destination via any agreed Stopovers at the times and on the dates specified in your Ticket, unless otherwise expressly stated. Fares do not include ground transport service between airports and between airports and town terminals or any other transport or services. Your fare will be calculated in accordance with our Tariffs in effect on the date of payment of your Ticket for travel on the specific dates and itinerary shown on it. Should you change your itinerary or dates of travel, this may change the fare to be paid. We reserve the right to refuse transportation if the applicable fare has not been paid. 4.2 TAXES, FEES AND CHARGESApplicable taxes, fees and charges imposed by government or other authority, or by the operator of an airport, shall be payable by you in full before carriage. At the time you purchase your Ticket, you will be advised of taxes, fees and charges not included in the fare, most of which will normally be shown separately on the Ticket. The taxes, fees and charges imposed on air travel are outside our control and are constantly changing and can be imposed or increased after the date of Ticket issuance. If you do not use your Ticket or use only a portion thereof, you may claim a refund of any taxes, fees or charges you have paid as appropriate but we will deduct any applicable administration fees where your Ticket is subject to restrictions. We reserve the right to refuse transportation if the applicable taxes, fees and charges are not paid. 4.3 SURCHARGES IN EXCEPTIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES 4.3.1 In exceptional circumstances, charges may be imposed on us by third parties which are of a type or amount not normally applicable to our operations (for example, insurance premium supplements or additional security costs triggered by unlawful interference with civil aviation). 4.3.2 In addition, we may be subjected to significant increases in operational costs (for example, fuel charges) caused by exceptional circumstances beyond our control. 4.3.3 In such cases, you will be required to pay to us, as fare surcharges, all such charges attributed by us to your carriage (even if imposed after the date of issue of your Ticket). We will contact you with details of any applicable fare surcharges as soon as possible. If we are unable to establish contact using your contact details, we will advise you of any applicable fare surcharge at check-in. You are free to choose not to pay a fare surcharge and receive an involuntary refund of your Ticket in accordance with the provisions of Article 10.2, in which case we will have no other liability to you. 4.3.4 If any exceptional circumstances surcharge ceases to apply to all or part of your carriage, or a lesser amount is due, a refund can be claimed in respect of any such surcharge which has been paid. Please ask us or our Authorized Agent for details of how to claim such refund. 4.3.5 We reserve the right to refuse transportation if the applicable surcharges have not been paid. 4.4 CURRENCY Fares, taxes, fees, charges and exceptional circumstances surcharges are payable in the currency of the country in which the Ticket is issued, unless another currency is indicated by us or our Authorised Agent at or before the time payment is made (for example, because of the non-convertibility of the local currency). We may, at our discretion, accept payment in another currency.
5.1 RESERVATION REQUIREMENTS 5.1.1 We or our Authorised Agent will record your reservation(s). Upon request we will provide you with written confirmation of your reservation(s). 5.1.2 Certain fares have conditions which limit or exclude your right to change or cancel reservations. 5.1.3 If you have a medical condition or other condition for which you may require medical assistance or special assistance during embarkation, disembarkation or assistance during the flight (for example, in the circumstances set out at Articles 7.2 and 7.3), you must advise us at the time you make your booking. You will be given a provisional booking until such time as we are satisfied that you have received medical clearance required by Article 7.3 and satisfied all conditions attached to such clearance. If you are flying to or from certain countries , local laws may mean that you do not need to comply with the requirements set out in this Article 5.1.3 and you should ask us how the requirements differ. 5.2 TICKETING TIME LIMITS If you have not paid for the Ticket prior to the specified ticketing time limit, as advised by us or our Authorised Agent, we may cancel your reservation. 5.3 PERSONAL DATA 5.3.1 You recognize that personal data has been given to us for the purposes of: making a reservation; purchasing, recording and issuing a Ticket and all ancillary documents associated with your carriage; providing you with your carriage and all ancillary services to your carriage; responding to your queries and requests; administration of accounting, billing and auditing procedures and other administrative purposes; obtaining ancillary services; developing and providing services; facilitating immigration and entry procedures; facilitating security checks, procedures and requirements; prevention and detection of crime and making available such data to government agencies, in connection with your travel; customer relations issues; assisting us in future transactions with you; and marketing. For these purposes, you authorise us to retain and use such data and to transmit it and/or share it with: our own offices, our Authorized Agents, our other companies and/or brands, anyone to whom we transfer our rights and duties, third party companies offering related services, governments and government agencies, credit card and other payment card companies, other airlines and other Carriers or the providers of the above-mentioned services. 5.3.2 We may also retain your personal data for direct marketing, but we will obtain your authority to do this first. 5.3.3 Sensitive personal data, for example data relating to your health or disabilities, religion, criminal record or otherwise may be processed by us. In addition we may transfer your data to countries which may not afford the same level of data protection. You recognize that, by providing us with sensitive personal data you give your explicit consent for us to process it and disclose it to third parties for the purposes mentioned in this paragraph 5.3 and also that we may transfer your personal data to other countries whether or not they afford the same level of data protection. We undertake to collect, process, store, save and transfer your data in compliance with relevant data protection legislation in force from time to time. 5.3.4 We may also monitor and/or record your telephone conversations with us to ensure consistent service levels, prevent/detect fraud and for training purposes. 5.3.5 We may require the name and contact details of a third party whom we may contact in an emergency. It is your responsibility to ensure that the third party consents to the disclosure of the information provided for that purpose. 5.3.6 If you would like to know what personal data we are holding about your and/or correct the personal data that we hold about you, please contact our local office. 5.3.7 You agree to hold us and our Authorized Agents harmless for transmitting or retaining inaccurate data provided by you. 5.4 SEATING We will endeavour to honour advance seating requests. However, we cannot guarantee any particular seat. We reserve the right to assign or reassign seats at any time, even after boarding of the aircraft. This may be necessary for legitimate reasons including but not limited to operational, safety or security reasons. 5.5 RECONFIRMATION OF RESERVATIONS 5.5.1 Onward or return reservations may be subject to the requirement on you to reconfirm the reservations within specified time limits. We or our Authorised Agent will advise you when we require reconfirmation, and how and where it should be done. If it is required and you fail to reconfirm, we may cancel your onward or return reservations and you will not normally be entitled to a refund except where expressly stated by us. However, if you advise us you still wish to travel, and there is space on the flight, we will reinstate your reservations and transport you. If there is no space on the flight we will use reasonable efforts to transport you to your next or final destination but we are not obliged to do so. 5.5.2 You should check the reconfirmation requirements of any other Carriers involved in your journey with them. Where it is required, you must reconfirm with the Carrier whose Airline Designator Code appears for the flight in question on the Ticket. We will have no liability to you if another Carrier cancels one or more reservations for any reason including but not limited to your failure to meet the reconfirmation requirements and your right to onward travel or refund will be governed by that Carrier's conditions of carriage. 5.6 CANCELLATION OF ONWARD RESERVATIONS Please be advised that if you do not show up for any flight without advising us in advance, we may cancel your return or onward reservations and charge reasonable administrative fees. However, if you do advise us in advance of Check-in Deadlines or boarding (where you have completed all check-in formalities), we will not cancel your subsequent flight reservations.
6.1 Check-in Deadlines are different at every airport and you are required to inform yourself about these Check-in Deadlines and honour them. We reserve the right to cancel your reservation if you do not comply with the Check-in Deadlines indicated. We or our Authorised Agents will advise you of the Check-in Deadline for your first flight with us shown on your Ticket. For any subsequent flights in your journey, you should inform yourself of the Check-in Deadlines as we and our Authorised Agent may not do so. Check-in Deadlines for our flights can be found in our timetable, or may be obtained from us or our Authorised Agents. 6.2 You must be present at the boarding gate not later than the time specified by us when you check-in. 6.3 We may cancel the space reserved for you and offload your Checked Baggage if you fail to arrive at the boarding gate in time. 6.4 We will not be liable to you for any loss or expense whatsoever incurred due to your failure to comply with the provisions of this Article.
7.1 RIGHT TO REFUSE CARRIAGE 7.1.1 In the reasonable exercise of our discretion, we may refuse to carry you or your Baggage if we have notified you in writing that we would not at any time after the date of such notice carry you or your Baggage on our flights. In this circumstance we have no liability except that you will be entitled to a refund. 7.1.2 We may also refuse to carry you or your Baggage (without any obligation to give you prior notice) on any flight (even if you hold a valid Ticket and have a boarding pass) if one or more of the following have occurred or we reasonably believe may occur: such action is necessary in order to comply with any applicable government laws, regulations, orders or policy; the carriage of you and/or your Baggage may endanger or affect the safety, health, or materially affect the comfort of other Passengers or crew or disturb or appear to disturb the orderly conduct of air transport; your mental or physical state, including your impairment from alcohol or drugs, presents or appears to present a hazard or risk to yourself, to Passengers, to crew, or the aircraft, or to property; we believe that your mental or physical state, including your impairment from alcohol or drugs, is likely to present a source of material annoyance or discomfort to other Passengers on board the aircraft if you were allowed to proceed to travel in the class in which you are booked or in which you have agreed to travel; you have refused to submit to a security check of yourself or your Baggage or having submitted to such a check, you fail to provide satisfactory answers to security questions asked or you fail a security profiling assessment or analysis or you tamper with or remove any security seals on your Baggage or security stickers on your boarding pass; you have not paid in full the applicable fare, taxes, fees, charges or surcharges. you do not appear to have valid or lawfully acquired travel documents or you appear in our opinion not to meet requisite visa requirements, you seek to enter a country through which you may be in transit for which you do not have valid travel documents (or meet the visa requirements), you destroy your travel documents during flight or between check-in and boarding or refuse to surrender your travel documents to the flight crew, against receipt, or allow us to copy your travel documents when so requested; you present a Ticket that has been or appears to have been acquired unlawfully, has been purchased from an entity other than us or our Authorised Agent, has been reported as being lost or stolen, or is a counterfeit, or you cannot prove that you are the person named in the Ticket; you have failed to comply with the requirements set forth in Article 3.3 above concerning Flight Coupon sequence and use, or you present a Ticket which has been issued or altered in any way, other than by us or our Authorised Agent, or the Ticket is mutilated, defaced or damaged; you fail to observe, or obstruct or hinder, our instructions with respect to safety or security, whether prior to boarding or on board the aircraft or those of any ground staff or crew member in the performance of their duties or if you tamper or threaten to tamper with the aircraft, its equipment or any part thereof; you have previously committed one of the acts or omissions referred to above either with us or another Carrier, and we have reason to believe that you may do so again; you commit a criminal offence during check-in or any of the other operations of embarkation on, or disembarkation from, your flight or disembarkation from a connecting flight or on board the aircraft before take-off or on board the aircraft on any connecting flight or while you are taking any service from us; you use threatening, abusive, insulting, harassing or indecent words or behave in a threatening, abusive or insulting manner to ground staff or members of the crew prior to or during boarding the aircraft or disembarkation from or on a connecting flight or on board the aircraft before take-off; you fail to observe our instructions relating to safety or security and comfort of other Passengers (for example, amongst other things, on seating; storage of Unchecked Baggage; smoking; consumption of alcohol; use of drugs; use of electronic equipment, including mobile cellular phones, laptop computers, PDAs, portable recorders, portable radio, CD, DVD and MP3 players, electronic games or transmitting devices or cause chaos and disturbance on board the aircraft; you have made, or attempted to make (or appear to have made), a bomb hoax, hijack threat or any other security threat; we have been informed (orally or in writing) by immigration or other authorities of the country to which you are traveling to or through which you may intend to transit, or of a country in which you have a Stopover planned, that you will not be permitted entry to such country even if you have valid travel documents; you fail, or refuse, to give us information in your possession or available to you which a governmental authority has lawfully asked us to give about you, or it appears to us that any such information you have given is false or misleading; if you are medically unfit to fly; you are, or we reasonably suspect you are, in unlawful possession of drugs. We have no duty to make any enquiries when determining whether we believe any event under Articles to might happen. 7.2 SPECIAL ASSISTANCE It is recommended that unaccompanied children, or persons with reduced mobility pregnant women persons with illness or other people which we consider requiring special assistance (for example a wheelchair) arrange with us at the time of ticketing any required special assistance and comply with our applicable procedures . If your special assistance requirements change adversely subsequent to you receiving our agreement to carry you, you must advise us immediately of your change in circumstances and seek our further acceptance for carriage. Passengers with reduced mobility who have advised us of any special requirements they may have at the time of ticketing, and been accepted by us, shall not subsequently be refused carriage on the basis of such disability or special requirements. If you are flying to or from certain countries , local laws may stipulate that you do not need to comply with the requirements set out in this Article 7.2 and you should ask us how the requirements differ. 7.3 FITNESS TO FLY 7.3.1 You must be medically fit prior to boarding the aircraft for carriage. No medical examination is necessary unless you have any reason to suspect, or ought reasonably to know, that you have a condition which might be exacerbated by the normal operation of an aircraft or could cause you difficulty if you are unable to gain access before the end of your flight to professional medical assistance. Where that is the case, you are obliged to seek professional medical advice before flying with us and produce to us, no later than 48 hours before the flight, a medical report form an appropriately qualified doctor which confirms your fitness to travel on all flights on which you are booked. If you are flying to or from certain countries , local laws may stipulate that you do not need to comply with the requirements set out in this Article 7.3 and you should ask us how the requirements differ. 7.3.2 If you are taken ill during the flight for any reason (except due to reasons attributable to us or our Authorized Agent), or due to your pregnancy, you will reimburse to us any expenses incurred as a result of treatment on board the aircraft, transporting you on the ground, or treatment provided by third parties.
8.1 BAGGAGE ALLOWANCE You may carry Baggage, subject to our conditions and limitations, which are available upon request from us or our Authorised Agents. 8.2 EXCESS BAGGAGE You will be required to pay a charge for carriage of Baggage in excess of the allocated Baggage allowance. These rates are available from us upon request. 8.3 ITEMS UNACCEPTABLE AS BAGGAGE AND FRAGILE/PERISHABLE ITEMS 8.3.1 You must not include in your Baggage: items which are likely to endanger the aircraft or persons or property on board the aircraft, such as those specified in the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air and the International Air Transport Association (IATA) Dangerous Goods Regulations, and in our regulations (further information is available from us on request); items the carriage of which is prohibited by the applicable laws, regulations or orders of any state to be flown from or to; items which are reasonably considered by us to be unsuitable for carriage because they are dangerous or unsafe, or because of their weight, size, shape or character, or because they are fragile or perishable having regard to, among other things, the type of aircraft being used. Information about unacceptable items is available upon request. 8.3.2 Firearms (whether real, replica or toy), pellet guns, components of fire arms, and ammunition other than for hunting and sporting purposes are prohibited from carriage as Baggage. Firearms and ammunition for hunting and sporting purposes may be accepted at our sole discretion as Checked Baggage. Firearms must be unloaded, with the safety catch on, and suitably packed. Carriage of ammunition is subject to ICAO and IATA regulations as specified in Article 8.3.3 Weapons such as antique firearms, swords, knives and similar items may be accepted as Checked Baggage, at our sole discretion, but will not be permitted in the cabin of the aircraft. 8.3.4 You must not include in Checked Baggage money, jewellery, precious metals, computers, personal electronic devices, stored data, any medication or medical equipment which may be required in-flight or during your trip or which cannot be quickly replaced if lost or damaged, house or car keys, negotiable papers, securities or other valuable items or documents, business documents, passports and other identification documents or samples. 8.3.5 You must not include in Unchecked Baggage real, replica or toy weapons (plastic or metal), or any object which looks like a weapon or could reasonably be mistaken for a weapon, tradesman's tools, ammunition, detonators, fuses, grenades, gas and gas containers such as butane, propane, acetylene, oxygen, explosives or anything which contains explosives, catapults, cross bows, harpoon and spear guns, stun or chocking devices such as prods, ballistic conducted energy weapons, lighters shaped like fire arms, fire works, flares and other pyrotechnics (including party poppers, festive crackers and toy caps), non-safety matches, smoke generating canisters or cartridges, flammable liquid fuel such as petrol/gasoline, diesel, lighter fuel, alcohol, ethanol, aerosol spray paint, turpentine and paint thinner, alcoholic beverages exceeding 70% by volume, acids and alkalis such as wet batteries that may spill, corrosive or bleaching substances such as mercury, chlorine, disabling or incapacitating sprays such as mace, pepper, tear gas, radioactive material such as medicinal or commercial isotopes, poisons, infections or hazardous biological material such as infected blood, bacteria and viruses, material capable of spontaneous ignition or combustion, fire extinguishers, darts, household cutlery, scissors, corkscrews, nail files, knives with blades of any length, knitting needles, paper knives, sporting bats and clubs, razor blades (except safety razors and accompanying cartridges), billiard, snooker or pool cues, hypodermic needles (except those required for medical reasons and accompanied by a medical certificate confirming the medical condition), hard sporting balls or martial arts devices. 8.3.6 You must not include in your Checked and Unchecked Baggage any other item which we specify from time to time in our Conditions of Carriage of Passengers and Baggage, Conditions of Ticket, regulations or notices. 8.3.7 If, despite being prohibited, any items referred to in Articles 8.3.1, 8.3.2, 8.3.3, 8.3.4 and 8.3.5 are included in your Baggage, we shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to such items during carriage that is not international carriage to which a Convention would apply. 8.3.8 It is recommended that fragile or perishables should not be included in your checked Baggage. 8.4 RIGHT TO REFUSE CARRIAGE 8.4.1 Subject to Articles 8.3.2 and 8.3.3, we will refuse to carry as Baggage the items described in Article 8.3, and we may refuse further carriage of any such items upon discovery, regardless of whether and when we are told, or discover, the presence of such items. 8.4.2 We may refuse to carry as Baggage any item reasonably considered by us to be unsuitable for carriage because of its size, shape, weight, appearance, content or character, or for safety or operational reasons, or in the interests of the comfort of other passengers. Information about unacceptable items is available upon request. 8.4.3 We may refuse to accept Baggage for carriage unless it is in our reasonable opinion properly and securely packed in suitable containers. Information about packing and containers unacceptable to us is available upon request. 8.5 RIGHT OF SEARCH 8.5.1 For reasons of safety and security we may request that you permit a search and scan of your person and a search, scan or x-ray of your Baggage. If you are not available, your Baggage may be searched, scanned or x-rayed in your absence for the purpose of determining whether you are in possession of or whether your Baggage contains any item described in Articles 8.3.1, 8.3.4 or 8.3.5 or any firearms, ammunition or weapons which have not been presented to us in accordance with Articles 8.3.2 or 8.3.3. If you are unwilling to comply with such request we may refuse to carry you and your Baggage. In the event a search or scan causes Damage to you, or an x-ray search or scan causes damage to your Baggage, we shall not be liable for such Damage unless due to our fault or negligence. 8.5.2 You must allow security checks of your Baggage by government officials, airport officials, police or military officials and Carriers involved in your carriage. 8.5.3 It is your responsibility to make yourself aware of and comply with any requirement of security authorities in other countries that require Checked Baggage to be secured in such a manner that it can be opened without the possibility of causing damage in the absence of the Passenger. 8.6 CHECKED BAGGAGE 8.6.1 Upon delivery to us of your Baggage which you wish to check, we will take custody of, and issue a Baggage Identification Tag for, each piece of your Checked Baggage. 8.6.2 Checked Baggage should have your name or other personal identification (including a contact telephone number) affixed to it. 8.6.3 Checked Baggage will, whenever possible, be carried on the same aircraft as you, unless we decide for safety, security or operational reasons to carry it on an alternative flight. If your Checked Baggage is carried on an alternative flight we will deliver it to you at the address you have provided to us, unless applicable law at the place of collection requires you to be present for customs clearance, or the reason for carriage of the Checked Baggage on an alternative aircraft related to the size, weight or character of the Checked Baggage or your failure to comply with these Conditions of Carriage. 8.6.4 Unless we decide that your Checked Baggage will not be carried on the same aircraft as you, we will not carry your Checked Baggage if you fail to board the aircraft on which it is loaded or, having boarded, you leave the aircraft before take-off or at a point of transit, without re-boarding. 8.6.5 You must ensure that your Checked Baggage is sufficiently robust and well secured to withstand the usual and normal rigours of carriage by air without sustaining damage (except for fair wear and tear). 8.7 UNCHECKED BAGGAGE 8.7.1 We may specify maximum dimensions and/or weight for Unchecked Baggage which you carry on to the aircraft. In any case, Unchecked Baggage which you carry onto the aircraft must fit under the seat in front of you or in an enclosed storage compartment in the cabin of the aircraft. If your Baggage cannot be stored in this manner, or is of excessive weight, or is considered unsafe for any reason, it must be carried as Checked Baggage, subject to Articles 8.2 and 8.3. 8.7.2 Objects not suitable for carriage in the cargo compartment (such as delicate musical instruments), and which do not meet the requirements in Article 8.7.1 above, will only be accepted for carriage in the cabin of the aircraft if you have given us notice sufficiently in advance of check-in and permission has been granted by us. You may be required to pay a separate charge for this service and we have no obligation to allow you to use this service. 8.8 COLLECTION AND DELIVERY OF CHECKED BAGGAGE 8.8.1 Subject to Article 8.6.3, you are required to collect your Checked Baggage as soon as it is made available at your destination or Stopover. Should you not collect it promptly upon its availability at your destination or Stopover, we may charge you a reasonable storage fee which shall be determined by us. Should your Checked Baggage not be claimed within three (3) months of the time it is made available, we may dispose of it without notice or any liability to you. 8.8.2 Only the bearer of the Baggage Check and Baggage Identification Tag is entitled to delivery of the Checked Baggage. We accept no responsibility for checking the identity or authority of the bearer of the Baggage Check and Baggage Identification Tag or for checking that such person has any right to collection. 8.8.3 If a person claiming Checked Baggage is unable to produce the Baggage Check and identify the Baggage by means of a Baggage Identification Tag, we will deliver the Baggage to such person only on condition that he or she establishes to our satisfaction his or her right to the Baggage. 8.9 ANIMALS We reserve the right, at our absolute discretion, to refuse to carry any animals. If we agree to carry any animals they will be carried subject to the following conditions: 8.9.1 You must ensure that animals such as dogs, cats and falcons and other pets, are properly crated with necessary supplies of food and water (or carried in a container complying with any applicable legal requirements) and accompanied by valid health and vaccination certificates, entry permits, transit and exit permits and other documents required by countries of entry or transit, failing which they will not be accepted for carriage. Such carriage may be subject to additional conditions specified by us, which are available on request. 8.9.2 If accepted as Baggage, the animal, together with its container and food, shall not be included in your free Baggage allowance, but shall constitute excess baggage, for which you will be obliged to pay the applicable rate prior to your animal being accepted for carriage. 8.9.3 Guide dogs accompanying Passengers with disabilities will be carried free of charge in addition to the normal free baggage allowance, subject to conditions specified by us, which are available on request. 8.9.4 Where carriage is not subject to the liability rules of the Convention, we are not responsible for injury to or loss, sickness or death of an animal which we have agreed to carry. 8.9.5 We will have no liability in respect of any such animal not having all the necessary exit, entry, health and other documents with respect to the animal's entry into or passage through any country, state or territory and the person carrying the animal must reimburse us for any fines, costs, losses or liabilities reasonably imposed or incurred by us as a result. You will be solely responsible for making the necessary arrangements for any animal you attempt to carry on the aircraft and to which carriage has been refused. Furthermore, we will have no liability to you if you are unable to travel as a result of the refusal of carriage to any animal you attempt you carry on the aircraft 8.10 ITEMS REMOVED BY AIRPORT SECURITY PERSONNEL We will not be responsible for, or have any liability in respect of, articles removed from your Baggage, and/or retained, by airport security personnel.
9.1 SCHEDULES 9.1.1 The flight times shown in timetables may change between the date of publication (or issue) and the date you actually travel. We do not guarantee them to you and they do not form part of your contract with us. 9.1.2 Before we accept your booking, we or our Authorised Agent will notify you of the scheduled flight time in effect as of that time, and it will be shown on your Ticket. It is possible we may need to change the scheduled flight time subsequent to issuance of your Ticket. If you provide us with your contact information, we or our Authorised Agent will endeavour to notify you of any such changes. If, after you purchase your Ticket, we make a significant change to the scheduled flight time, which is not acceptable to you, and we are unable to book you on an alternate flight which is acceptable to you, you will be entitled to a refund in accordance with Article 10.2. 9.2 CANCELLATION, REROUTING, DELAYS, ETC. 9.2.1 We will take all reasonable necessary measures to avoid delay in carrying you and your Baggage. In the exercise of these measures and in order to prevent a flight cancellation, in exceptional circumstances we may arrange for a flight to be operated on our behalf by an alternative carrier and/or aircraft without however accepting the obligation to make such arrangement. 9.2.2 If we cancel a flight due to be operated by us, fail to operate a flight reasonably according to the schedule, fail to stop at your destination or Stopover destination, or cause you to miss a connecting flight operated by us on which you hold a confirmed reservation, we shall, at your option, either: carry you and your Baggage at the earliest opportunity on another of our scheduled services on which space is available in the class in which you were originally booked without additional charge and, where necessary, extend the validity of your Ticket; or within a reasonable period of time re-route you and your Baggage to the destination shown on your Ticket by our own services or those of another carrier, or by other mutually agreed means and class of transportation without additional charge. If the fare, charges and exceptional circumstances surcharges for the revised routing are lower than what you have paid, we shall refund the difference; or make a refund in accordance with the provisions of Article 10.2. 9.2.3 Upon the occurrence of any of the matters set out in Article 9.2.2, except as otherwise provided by the Convention or other applicable laws, rules or regulations, the options outlined in Article to are the sole and exclusive remedies available to you and we shall have no further liability to you. 9.2.4 Where your flight is due to be operated by us from an airport within the EU and has been cancelled or delayed for at least four (4) hours or you have been downgraded on an involuntary basis you may be entitled to certain rights and we will inform you about those rights when they arise. 9.3 DENIED BOARDING COMPENSATION 9.3.1 If we are unable to provide previously confirmed space on a flight operated by us in the class in which you are booked and for which you have met all applicable Check-in Deadlines and boarding deadlines, we shall provide compensation to those Passengers denied boarding in accordance with applicable law and our denied boarding compensation policy. A copy of our denied boarding compensation policy is available upon request. Apart from this, we will have no liability to you for any loss or expense whatsoever. 9.3.2 Where you are denied boarding from a flight operated by us from an airport within the EU, in circumstances where you hold a Confirmed Reservation, have met the applicable Check-in Deadline and are not precluded from boarding by reason of application of these Conditions of Carriage or for other reasonable grounds, and are not traveling free of charge or on a reduced fare not generally available to the public, you may be entitled to benefits and we will inform you about those rights when they arise.
10.1 GENERAL We will refund a Ticket or any unused portion, in accordance with the applicable fare rules or Tariffs, as follows: 10.1.1 Except as otherwise provided in this Article, we shall be entitled to make a refund either to the person named in the Ticket or to the person who has paid for the Ticket, upon presentation of proof of such payment. 10.1.2 If a Ticket has been paid for by a person other than the Passenger named in the Ticket, and the Ticket indicates that there is a restriction on refund, we shall make a refund only to the person who paid for the Ticket, or to that person's order. 10.1.3 Except in the case of a lost Ticket, refunds will only be made on surrender to us of the Ticket and all unused Flight Coupons. This requirement will not apply where your Ticket is an Electronic Ticket. 10.2 INVOLUNTARY REFUNDS 10.2.1 If we: (i) cancel a flight; (ii) fail to operate a flight reasonably according to schedule; (iii) fail to carry you on a flight for which you have a confirmed reservation and have met the Check-in Deadline and applicable boarding deadline and you have not been refused carriage for reasons permitted by these Conditions of Carriage; (iv) fail to stop at your destination or Stopover; or (v) cause you to miss a connecting flight on which you hold a confirmed reservation and adequate time existed to make the connection between the original scheduled time of arrival of your flight and the departure time of the connecting flight, the amount of the refund shall be, unless otherwise specified by appropriate law: if no portion of the Ticket has been used, an amount equal to the fare paid (including taxes, fees, charges and exceptional circumstances surcharges paid); if a portion of the Ticket has been used, not less than the difference between the fare paid (including taxes, fees, charges and exceptional circumstances surcharges paid) and the applicable fare calculated by us (including taxes, fees, charges and exceptional circumstances surcharges paid) for travel between the points for which the Ticket has been used. 10.3 VOLUNTARY REFUNDS 10.3.1 If you are entitled to a refund of your Ticket for reasons other than those set out in Article 10.2, the amount of the refund shall be: if no portion of the Ticket has been used, an amount equal to the fare paid (including taxes, fees, charges and exceptional circumstances surcharges paid), less any reasonable service charges or cancellation fees; if a portion of the Ticket has been used, an amount equal to the difference between the fare paid (including taxes, fees, charges and exceptional circumstances surcharges paid) and the applicable fare calculated by us (including taxes, fees, charges and exceptional circumstances surcharges paid) for travel between the points for which the Ticket has been used, less any reasonable service charges or cancellation fees. 10.4 RIGHT TO REFUSE REFUND 10.4.1 We may refuse a refund where application is made after the expiry of the validity of the Ticket. 10.4.2 We may refuse a refund on a Ticket which has been presented to us, or to Government officials, as evidence of intention to depart from that country, unless you establish to our satisfaction that you have permission to remain in the country or that you will depart from that country by another carrier or another means of transport. 10.4.3 We will not give a refund on a Ticket for any flight on which you have been refused carriage or from which you have been disembarked due to your conduct on board the aircraft. 10.5 CURRENCY We reserve the right to make a refund in the same manner and the same currency used to pay for the Ticket. 10.6 NO OTHER RIGHTS Unless we expressly state otherwise in these Conditions of Carriage, the rights to a refund set out in this Article 10 represent your only rights against us if your carriage does not take place for any reason whatsoever and we will have no other liability to you for any loss or expense whatsoever.
11.1 GENERAL You will not at any time, conduct yourself aboard the aircraft in any manner likely to endanger or threaten (whether by hoax threats or otherwise) the aircraft or any person or property on board; obstruct, hinder or interfere with the crew in the performance of their duties; fail to comply with or contravene any instructions or direction of the crew, whether oral or by notice, including but not limited to those with respect to smoking, alcohol or drug consumption, security and safety or use of electronic equipment; or behave in a manner which causes or is likely to cause discomfort, distress, inconvenience, damage or injury to other passengers, the crew or property. If, in our reasonable opinion, you conduct yourself on board the aircraft in any of these ways, we may take such measures as we deem reasonably necessary to prevent continuation of such conduct, including restraint. You may be disembarked and refused onward carriage at any point with no liability to us, and may be prosecuted for offences committed on board the aircraft. 11.2 PAYMENT OF DIVERSION & OTHER COSTSIf, as a result of conduct by you of the sort mentioned in Article 11.1 we decide, in the exercise of our reasonable discretion, to divert the aircraft for the purpose of offloading you and/or your Baggage, you must pay all costs resulting from that diversion and, in addition, you must reimburse us for any costs we incur as a result of delaying the aircraft for the purpose of removing you and/or your Baggage. You must also reimburse to us any costs we incur in order to: (i) repair or replace any property lost, damaged or destroyed by you; and (ii) compensate any passenger or crew member affected by your actions. 11.3 ELECTRONIC DEVICESFor safety reasons, we may forbid or limit operation aboard the aircraft of electronic equipment, including, but not limited to, cellular telephones, laptop computers, portable recorders, portable radios, CD players, electronic games or transmitting devices, including radio controlled toys and walkie-talkies. Operation of hearing aids and heart pacemakers is permitted.
12.1 If we make arrangements for you with any third party to provide any services other than carriage by air, or if we issue a ticket or voucher relating to transport or services (other than carriage by air) provided by a third party such as surface transportation, hotel reservations or car rental, in doing so we act only as your agent. The terms and conditions of the third party service provider will apply. 12.2 If we are also providing surface transport to you, other conditions may apply to such surface transport. Such conditions are available from us upon request. We will have no liability to you for any surface transportation or other services we arrange for you under Article 12.1, unless caused solely by our negligence.
13.1 GENERAL 13.1.1 You are responsible for obtaining and holding all required travel documents and visas and for complying with all applicable laws, regulations, orders, demands and travel requirements of all countries to be flown from, into or through which you transit. 13.1.2 We shall not be liable for the consequences to any Passenger resulting from his or her failure to obtain such documents or visas or to comply with such laws, regulations, orders, demands, requirements, rules or instructions. 13.2 TRAVEL DOCUMENTS Prior to travel, you must present all exit, entry, health and other documents required by law, regulation, order, demand or other requirement of the countries concerned, and permit us to take and retain copies thereof. We reserve the right to require you to present to us any of these documents at any time during your carriage and to refuse carriage of you and your Baggage if you do not comply with these requirements, or your travel documents do not appear to be in order, even if you have started or completed part of your carriage before it becomes clear to us that you have not complied with this Article 13.2. 13.3 REFUSAL OF ENTRY If you are denied entry into any country (including a country through which you are transiting en route to your final destination), you will be responsible to pay any fine or charge, and to reimburse any fine or charge assessed against us by the Government concerned, and for reimbursing us for the cost of transporting you (and an escort, if required) from that country. The fare collected for carriage to the point of refusal or denied entry will not be refunded by us. 13.4 PASSENGER RESPONSIBLE FOR FINES, DETENTION COSTS, ETC. If we are required to pay any fine, penalty detention costs, removal expenses, escorting charges, costs of tickets issued for you or to incur any other expenditure by reason of your failure to comply with laws, regulations, orders, demands or other travel requirements of the countries you have traveled to or because you have failed or to produce the required documents on seeking entry to a country, you shall reimburse us in full on demand any amount so paid or expenditure so incurred. We may apply towards such payment or expenditure the value of any unused carriage on your ticket, or any of your funds in our possession 13.5 CUSTOMS INSPECTION If required, you shall attend inspection of your Baggage, by customs or other Government officials. We are not liable to you for any loss or damage suffered by you in the course of such inspection or through your failure to comply with this requirement. 13.6 SECURITY INSPECTION You shall submit to any security checks, searches and scans by Governments, airport officials, Carriers handling agents, police or military officials or by us. 13.7 CONFISCATED TRAVEL DOCUMENTS We will not be liable to you for the return of any of your travel documents, identification documents or Tickets confiscated by any other Carrier or any governmental or other authority.
Carriage to be performed by us and other Carriers under one Ticket or a Conjunction Ticket is regarded as a single operation for the purposes of the Convention. However, your attention is drawn to Article 15.5.1.
15.1 DEATH OF OR INJURY TO PASSENGERS 15.1.1 Subject as provided in Articles 15.1.2, 15.1.3, 15.1.5, 15.1.6 and 15.5, our liability for proven damages sustained in the event of death, or any other bodily injury suffered by a Passenger in the event of an accident shall not be subject to any financial limit, be it defined by law, the Convention, other convention or contract. 15.1.2 For any damages up to 113,000 Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) (or the equivalent in local currency), we shall not exclude or limit our liability by proving that we and our agents have taken all necessary measures to avoid the damage or that it was impossible for us or our agents to take such measures. Where the Montreal Convention applies, we shall not be liable for damages to the extent they exceed 113,000 Special Drawing Rights (or the equivalent in local currency) if we prove that such damage was not due to negligence or other wrongful act or omission by us or our servants or agents, or was solely due to the negligence or other wrongful act or omission of a third party. 15.1.3 Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 15.1.1 and 15.1.2, if we prove that the damage was caused by, or contributed to by, the negligence of the injured or deceased Passenger (or the person claiming compensation), we may be exonerated wholly or partly from our liability in accordance with applicable law. 15.1.4 Where required by law, we agree to make advance payments to you or your heirs subject to the following terms and conditions: the person receiving payment is a natural person (that is to say physical person in the ordinary sense of the word as opposed to legal persons such as corporations); you are, or the person receiving payment is, entitled to compensation under applicable laws; payments will be made only in respect of immediate economic needs; the amount of a payment will be proportional to the economic hardship being suffered as a result of the death, wounding or bodily injury, save that, in the case of death, it will not be less than 15,000 SDRs or equivalent in local currency per Passenger; payment will not be made later than fifteen (15) Days after the identity of the person entitled to compensation has been confirmed under applicable laws provided satisfactory proof of such confirmation has been presented to us. no person will be entitled to receive a payment if he or she or the Passenger to whom the payment relates, caused or contributed to the Damage to which the payment relates by his or her negligence; the recipient of any payment will be obliged to return all payments received if proof is produced that the recipient has ceased to be able to comply at all times with Article or he or she or the Passenger to whom the payment relates, caused or contributed to the Damage to which the payment relates; payments will be off-set against any subsequent sums payable in respect of our liability under applicable laws; except for payment of the minimum sum specified in Article in respect of death, a payment made under this Paragraph 15.1.4 will not exceed the maximum damages for which we may be liable to pay the recipient; the making of a payment will not constitute recognition or admission of liability by us; no payment will be made unless the person receiving payment gives us a signed receipt which also acknowledges the applicability of Articles,, and and signs appropriate release and indemnity documents prescribed by us; and unless in conflict with any applicable law, and subject to payment of the minimum sum specified in Article in the case of death, our decision in relation to the payment amount will be final and binding. 15.1.5 We are not responsible for any illness, injury or disability, including death, attributable to your physical or general health condition or for the aggravation of such condition. 15.1.6 Please take notice that a number of medical studies indicate that there may be an association between prolonged immobility when traveling and the formation of blood clots in the legs (DVT). Although this is not a frequent occurrence, there are certain inherited and lifestyle factors which may increase the chance of this happening. If you have any concern about this issue you should consult your doctor before traveling. 15.2 BAGGAGE 15.2.1 We will not be liable for Damage to Unchecked Baggage unless we caused the Damage by our negligence and such negligence is proved by the Passenger or the person claiming compensation. 15.2.2 We will not be liable for Damage to Baggage resulting from the inherent defect, quality or vice of the Baggage. Likewise, we will not be liable for fair wear and tear of Baggage resulting from the usual and normal rigors of transportation by air. 15.2.3 We are not liable for damage during carriage that is not international carriage to which a Convention would apply to any item included in your Baggage which you are prohibited from including in your Baggage by Article 8.3. 15.2.4 Our liability for Damage to Baggage is limited to the maximum amounts stated in Articles to unless you prove that the Damage resulted from our act or omission either done with the intention of causing Damage or recklessly and with knowledge that Damage would probably result. You may wish to make a special declaration of value (see Article 15.2.5) or buy yourself insurance to cover instances where the actual value or replacement cost of your Checked Baggage or Unchecked Baggage exceeds our liability. The maximum amount of 332 Special Drawing Rights (approximately US$400 or equivalent in local currency) per Passenger applies to Damage to Unchecked Baggage where the Warsaw Convention applies to your carriage; The maximum amount of 17 Special Drawing Rights (approximately US$20 or equivalent in local currency) per kilogram, or any higher sum agreed by us pursuant to Article 15.2.5, applies to Damage to Checked Baggage where the Warsaw Convention applies to your carriage; The maximum amount of 1131 Special Drawing Rights (approximately US$ 1800 or equivalent in local currency) per Passenger, or any higher sum agreed by us pursuant to Article 15.2.5, applies to Damage to both Unchecked and Checked Baggage where the Montreal Convention applies to your carriage; The maximum limit of liability for Damage to both Unchecked and Checked Baggage laid down by local law applies to your Baggage where local law applies to your carriage instead of the Warsaw Convention or the Montreal Convention. The maximum limit of liability for Damage to both Unchecked and Checked Baggage specified in Articles and apply to Damage to Unchecked Baggage and Checked Baggage respectively where neither the Warsaw Convention nor the Montreal Convention applies to your carriage and no limit of our liability is laid down by applicable local law. 15.2.5 We will increase our liability to you for Damage to Checked Baggage to an amount specified by you and agreed by us at the time you hand your Checked Baggage to us at check-in, but only if you pay to us an additional charge calculated in accordance with our regulations. This is known as a “special declaration of value”. Please ask us for details of the applicable charges if you want to use this option. 15.2.6 If the weight of your Checked Baggage is not recorded on the Baggage Check, we will presume that it is not more than the free baggage allowance for the class of carriage for which you were booked. 15.2.7 Where carriage of your Baggage is performed by successive airlines and either the Warsaw Convention or the Montreal Convention applies to that carriage, you are entitled to make a claim against us only if (a) you are the passenger and we are the first carrier or (b) you are the passenger and we are the last carrier or (c) the Damage occurred during the carriage of Baggage by us. 15.3 DELAY IN THE CARRIAGE OF PASSENGERS Our liability for Damage caused by delay in your carriage by air is limited by the Warsaw Convention and the Montreal Convention. Where neither of those Conventions applies, we will have no liability to you for delay, except as provided in these Conditions of Carriage. 15.4 PROCESSING OF BAGGAGE CLAIMS 15.4.1 All claims for compensation for Damage to Baggage must be accompanied by an itemised list identifying each affected item by description, manufacturer and age, together with satisfactory proof of purchase or ownership for all such items. Proof of purchase will not be required in relation to any item which costs less than US$50 (or equivalent in local currency), or is more than 5 years old and has a claim value of less than US$50 (or equivalent in local currency). 15.4.2 In the case of a compensation claim concerning physical damage to Baggage, you must retain and, allows us examine the affected Baggage so that we may assess the nature, extent and repairability of that damage. 15.4.3 If you wish to claim the cost of replacement of an individual item which forms part of a claim for compensation for Damage to Baggage, you must consult us and we must agree in writing before you incur such cost otherwise we may not include the cost in any compensation payable. This requirement will not apply where the total cost of replacement items does not exceed US$50 (or equivalent in local currency). Proof of purchase of all replacement items must accompany your claim. Proof of purchase will not be required in relation to any item which costs less than US$50 (or equivalent in local currency). 15.4.4 For all claims for compensation concerning Baggage, you must provide us with any information we may request to assess the eligibility of your claim for compensation and the amount of any compensation payable. 15.4.5 You must sign a statement of truth regarding the facts of your claim for Damage to Baggage and an appropriate release and indemnity document before we pay any compensation to you. 15.4.6 Failure by you to fully comply with the relevant requirements of Article 15.4 may adversely affect the availability and the amount of any compensation to which you may be entitled. 15.5 GENERAL 15.5.1 If we issue a ticket or if we check Baggage for carriage on another carrier, we do so only as agent for the other Carrier. Nevertheless, with respect to Checked Baggage, you may make a claim against the first or last Carrier. 15.5.2 We are not liable for any damage arising from our compliance with or your failure to comply with applicable laws or Government rules and regulations. 15.5.3 Except as may be specifically provided otherwise in these Conditions of Carriage or by applicable law, we shall be liable to you only for recoverable compensatory damages for proven losses. 15.5.4 The contract of carriage, including these Conditions of Carriage and exclusions or limits of liability, applies to our authorised agents, servants, employees and representatives to the same extent as it and they apply to us. The total amount recoverable from us and from such authorised agents, employees, representatives and persons shall not exceed the amount of our own liability, if any. 15.5.5 Nothing in these Conditions of Carriage shall waive any exclusion or limitation of our liability or any defence available to us under the Convention or applicable laws unless otherwise expressly stated. 15.5.6 Nothing in these Conditions of Carriage shall waive any exclusion or limitation of our liability or any defence available to us under the Convention or applicable laws as against any public social insurance body or any person who is liable to pay compensation or has paid compensation in respect of the death, wounding or other bodily injury of a Passenger. 15.5.7 We reserve the right to amend these Conditions of Carriage from time to time and such amended Conditions of Carriage shall be effective and valid from the date of amendment. 15.6 ADVICE TO INTERNATIONAL PASSENGERS ON LIMITATION OF LIABILITY Where your journey involves an ultimate destination or stop in a country other than the country of origin, you are advised that the Warsaw Convention or the Montreal Convention may be applicable to your entire journey, including any section entirely within the country of origin or destination.Where the Montreal Convention is applicable, the airline is liable for proven damages for death or personal injury, and certain defences to liability specified by that Convention will be inapplicable for damages not exceeding 113,000 SDRs or equivalent in local currency.Where the Montreal Convention is not applicable, the conditions of carriage of many airlines (including Etihad, as specified in Article 15.1.1) provide that the liability for death or bodily injury will not be subject to any financial limit defined by the Warsaw Convention and that, in respect of such damage up to a maximum of 113,000 SDRs or equivalent in local currency, any defence to liability based on proof that they have taken all necessary measures will not apply. Where no such provisions are included in the airline's conditions of carriage, please note that; (i) for such Passengers on a journey to, from or with an agreed stopping place in the USA, the Warsaw Convention and special contracts of carriage embodied in applicable Tariffs provide that the liability of certain airlines, parties to such special contracts, for death of or personal injury to Passengers is limited in most cases to proven damages not to exceed US$75,000 per Passenger, and that this liability up to such limit will not depend on negligence on the part of the airline; and (ii) for such Passengers travelling by an airline not a party to such special contracts or on a journey to which the Warsaw Convention applies which is not to, from or having an agreed stopping place in the USA, the liability of the airline for death or personal injury to Passengers is limited in most cases to US$10,000 or US$20,000; and (iii) some countries impose higher limits than those stated in (i) and (ii).The names of airlines or parties to such special contracts of the type mentioned in (i) above, are available at all ticket offices of such airlines and may be examined on request. Additional protection can usually be obtained by purchasing insurance from a private company. Such insurance is not affected by any limitation of the airline's liability under the Warsaw Convention or the Montreal Convention or such special contracts of carriage of the type mentioned in (i) above. For further information, please consult your airline or insurance company representatives. Note: The limit of liability of US$75,000 specified in (i) above of this Article 15.6 is inclusive of legal fees and costs except that, in case of a claim brought in a state where a provision is made for separate award of legal fees and costs, the limit will be the sum of US$58,000 exclusive of legal fees and costs.
16.1 NOTICE OF CLAIMS Acceptance of Baggage by the bearer of the Baggage Check without complaint at the time of delivery is sufficient evidence that the Baggage has been delivered in good condition and in accordance with the contract of carriage, unless you prove otherwise.If you wish to file a claim or an action regarding Damage to Checked Baggage, you must notify us forthwith after you discover the Damage, and at the latest, within seven (7) Days of receipt of the Checked Baggage or in the case of lost baggage within seven (7) days of the date the Checked Baggage should have arrived. If you wish to file a claim or an action regarding delay of Checked Baggage, you must notify us within twenty-one (21) Days from the date the Checked Baggage has been placed at your disposal. Every such notification must be made in writing. 16.2 LIMITATION OF ACTIONSAny right to damages shall be extinguished if an action is not brought within two (2) years of the date of your arrival at destination, or the date on which the aircraft was scheduled to arrive, or the date on which the carriage stopped. The method of calculating the period of limitation shall be determined by the law of the court where the case is heard.
Carriage of you and your Baggage is also provided in accordance with certain other regulations and conditions applying to or adopted by us. These regulations and conditions as varied from time to time are important. They concern among other things: (i) the carriage of unaccompanied minors, pregnant women, and sick passengers, (ii) restrictions on use of electronic devices and items; (iii) the on board consumption of alcoholic beverages. Regulations concerning these matters are available from us upon request.
The title of each Article of these Conditions of Carriage is for convenience only, and is not to be used for interpretation of the text. The authentic text of these Conditions of Carriage is the English language; translations into any other language or languages is provided only for convenience of reference.
For tickets purchased in Canada, please read the international passenger rules and fares tariff.